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[ - joshua hong - ]

I asked them to explained what in the hell happened and I was SHOCKED. Like how could they do such stuffs to her. Didn't I tell them not to do anything about it since I know it's nothing serious.

"I told you guys to not do anything right ?" I asked

"Well we can't let her go just like that especially when she had hurt your feelings" said Jeonghan

"And whose fault was it ? Was it her ? She knew that we've been playing bets for this stupid ass stuffs and I do deserve it. She did the right thing" I responded


"She was in the right. Her way of doing so is wrong, but she just want to teach me a lesson. You two should apologize to her" I cut Seungcheol off

"Not did you just physically hurt her, you even called her mean stuffs when she had never been such a girl. She has never treat me badly. She's always treating me full of love despite her hating on me deep down" I added

"You have to apologize to her" I said to them and they just nod slowly.

It was then Sophia was walking down the hallway

"Sophia I'm--"

"I don't want to hear anything from you Joshua Hong. Because of you and your friend I've got into another trouble. You love it don't you ?" she glared at us

"Go to hell." said Sophia as she left

She's really pissed. I mean, anyone would. I would too. I'll try to approach her but not now.

Bet • Joshua ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora