09 || Bet

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[ - sophia kim - ]

The next day I entered the hallway like usual. I came to school a bit late only because Seolhee woke up a bit late than she should have. I don't really mind but I missed my studying hour then.

"Good morning" somebody greeted me so I turned around and I was quite surprised to see that Joshua

"Oh- Good morning" I greeted him with a smile. Deep down I want to choke him to death

"Wearing glasses for today ?" he asked

"Well yeah, it'll take a while to have my contacts ready" I replied

Honestly, I don't even wear it cause my eyesight isn't even that bad, but since I lied to him yesterday, had to use this instead.

"You should keep it that way though. You look cuter this way" he complimented

I felt like puking.

I'm always cute what do you mean ??? Your flirting skill is so lame. Not all girls are into your small flattering.

"Ah, thank you but wearing glasses can be annoying haha" I said to him

"Well, I want to apologize for yesterday. If you'd like to, maybe I'll treat you some coffee this weekend ?" he offered

Ooh, opportunity. Let's play hard to get first.

"Well, I'm not sure..." I said to him

"Awh, come on. I really feel bad about yesterday" said Joshua

Excuse me ??? You literally called me blind and you have the audacity to say you actually felt sorry ??? Annoying.....


"I don't take no as an answer" he cut me off

Honestly, how did people even fall for him ?? Geez, this guy's hella annoying but the persona I'm putting up with... I have to say shits politely to someone like this ?? Disgusting.

"Uh-- I guess I can cancel my class for that day" I said to him

"Sweet ! Let's meet at the bus stop ?" he asked

"Sure" I smiled

"Let's exchange contacts then ?? It'll be easier to talk to each other" he offered

Bitch ??? We're not even friends but whatever. This guy ain't smooth what the hell

"Of course" I responded as I handed my phone to him and he handed his to mine. We exchanged numbers and parted ways after that

Geez, I wanted to choke him so badly. Dear god, thank you for gifting me such patience to hold myself back.

Bet • Joshua ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ