Chapter 17- Shoot Her

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So, I don't know what's wrong with me today.This is my third update of the day. I have like the opposite of writer's block where I just feel like writing 24/7. My boyfriend's even home now and complaining because I won't talk to him because I'm too busy writing. But, oh well. I hope you enjoy my writer's un-block!

I woke up to the feel of a beating chest underneath me, slow and steady. I smiled as he stirred underneath me.

"Why'd you have to wake up?" Eric asked. "You look like an angel in your sleep."

"Are you implying that I don't look like an angel while I'm awake?" I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You always did ask a lot of stupid questions, from the moment I met you."

I threw a pillow at him and made my way to the all-white bathroom. It had been a week since I moved in and Eric and I had passionately made love. The third stage had been put off for a week due to the circumstances of what happened with Edwin, but I did get in 3rd place in the second stage. They said it was to give me time to recover and to mentally move on, but I know it was just so they could decide what to do with Edwin. They had taken action yesterday. Eric refuses to tell me what went on (I just wanted him to be factionless), but I know he received the death sentence. I hate the thought of someone having to die because of me, even though Eric continually assures that he deserves a worse punishment than Dauntless could possibly offer.

My thought was cut short when a pain hit my stomach. I shrugged it off and began to brush my teeth. This only made the nausea worsen. I stopped momentarily, but continued brushing, thinking that if I just ignore the pain, it'll go away.

As always, my luck is nonexistent. I thankfully made it to the toilet fast enough before I began to throw up everything in my body. I hurriedly flushed and returned to brushing my teeth when Eric walked in.

"You okay, sweetheart?" he asked, snaking an arm around my pained stomach. "You look as pale as a ghost."

I couldn't tell Eric I was sick. He worries too much. I could stub my toe on the table and he would set whoever made the table on fire.

"Well, it's not like I can actually get a tan while staying in this compound all day."

"So, work outside after initiation. You have good enough ratings to be in the guard or something." He believed me.

"I think I want to work in the infirmary. It seems like I'm in there half the time anyways, might as well get paid for it." I answered.

Eric laughed and kissed my cheek. "Maybe you could be a leader. Think of all the time we'd spend together."

"You'd get sick of me." I laughed.

I made my way to the cafeteria for breakfast. Eric always offers to cook it for me, but this gives me a chance to spend time with Zeke and Shauna.

I took my usual seat beside of them. They knew of my relationship with Eric. Four insisted on telling them because if we didn't, he would end up telling Zeke anyways after a couple beers. After a couple minutes of pretending to throw up, they were perfectly fine with it and I know they would take the secret to their graves.

"So, we bought you something yesterday." Shauna announced as I sat down.

She took a small, plastic whistle from her pocket and handed it to me. "When you get hurt this stage, since you always get hurt," Zeke laughed. "You can blow it, and we'll come to your rescue."

"Thanks, guys." I laughed. "Although, I'm not sure if I'll need it. I've fallen off of the Hancock Building. I've been stabbed by a maniac." I paused after saying this. It still hurt to speak so lightly about it. "Hell, I'm the only one to ever live after falling off of the chasm. I'm pretty sure I'm invincible."

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