Chapter 13: Hidden truths

Start from the beginning

"Um like maybe 5 days ago..?" he nodded and wrote it down.

"Have you been taking certain medicine for anything you've been having lately?"

"Uh um pills for headaches." he wrote it down once again and spoke.

"So this is what you're gonna do i'm going to give you some medicine if you get any chest or stomach pain, meanwhile i wait for your parents answers, ok? also you have to come tomorrow or the day after to see your condition right now that cancer has got to your lungs already and you only have a certain time left..." i barely heard the rest all i knew was that i was going to die, and leave everyone I ever cared for, this was it

"...So in all you only have about 3 months unless your parents accept the treatment then you'll have a possibility to live longer."

I immediately look at him, surprised but my hopes went down once I realized my parents wouldn't really care anyway no one would care if I died.

i was discharged out of the hospital that day and I drove all the way back to my house, just reflecting on my life and thinking what will I do in the next 3 months.

More importantly how will i tell my parents, like they'd care anyway, I got in the house, as always noticed no one was home so i went to my room and just layed on my bed, thinking.

I looked at my phone, 55 new messages.

I sighed.

I thought i should sleep for a while it's better than just being here doing nothing.

So I shut my eyes and went to sleep


"Run!!" someone screamed

I ran with all my might trying to escape, escape the man chasing me.

I went throught some trees and bushes all scratching my skin leaving marks on my arm and face, making them bleed.

I tripped over something and landed on the floor and my feet wouldn't seem to get up, he was there right in front of me but i couldn't see his face, he had a knife in his hand, i screamed but no sound came out.


I woke up a little sweaty and i was panting, i checked the time 8:23pm

I slept a pretty long time, I tied my hair up and washed my face, i looked at myself in the mirror and I looked really pale and tired, I suddenly felt like crying but just sighed.

I went downstairs because I was hungry so i checked the fridge for some milk and eggs, I put the eggs on a pan and started to scramble them, I ate them and just looked around thinking about everything that happened in the past months.

I heard some people talking so I went checked out what it was, and it wasn't much of a surprise just my mom talking on the phone with someone i could not figure out.

She suddenly looked like she was going to cry, and she kept nodding, this made me really confused and curious, She hung up the phone and sat down and a chair near by.

She sighed and a tear left her eye, I went and hugged her, then I spoke "Mom what's wrong?".

"Hm? oh you startled me...You went to the doctor?".

I stared a her blankly, and thought 'How does she know?'.

Hey guys hope you likes this chapter!

Thank you to everyone that been supporting me from the start, i love you guys!

Next chapter will come out on Dec. 5.

I will now be putting scheduels for when my chapters will come out so please wait for them!



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