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I hold my brother's hand in my right and my list in the other, my bag slung across my body. He grabs onto my skirt as I approach a fruit stand

"Hola" The woman says and I smile, I grab the fruit and pay the lady.

"Can I get toys?" Diego asks and I look at my money

"Sure, let's go" I say and he runs ahead. He looks at the toys as another little boy walks up, they start talking and I buy a book for myself. I give Diego the rest of the money and I go to sit on the edge of the fountain. I shove the book in my bag and look around, a girl with funky glasses, a purpley blue dress embroidered with tons of flowers and butterflies slides next to me.

"Hola" she says excitedly

"Hola" I say "I love your skirt" I say and she smiles
"Aw! Thanks, I made it myself. Well not the actual skirt, I just used some of my thread to embroider it" she says awkwardly. I laugh

"Well I really like it"

"Not to be rude or anything but, why haven't I seen you around. I feel like I would've remembered you" she says inspecting my face. I laugh

"Thanks? My brother and I just moved here. We're staying with my Tia and Tio" I say and she nods.

"Oh my gosh, where are my manners? I'm Mirabel Madrigal" she says, extending her hand to me. I take it and she shakes it

"I'm y/n Lopez, my little brother is Diego" I say pointing to him
"That's my little cousin Antonio," Mirabel says, pointing to the boy Diego is playing with.

"Huh, small world" She laughs

"In the Encanto it is" I smile and she puts her arm around my shoulders "I have feeling that we will be very good friends" she says and I smile "Agreed"

Camilo x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now