25 Weeks & Counting

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"You know that will send you into early labor." Everyone was currently at Yoongi's parents' house as his mother and grandmother hosted a yard sale, which the couple happened to be participating in to sell some of the items they'd decided to get rid of while they were packing up their apartment.

Jimin paused with his hot Cheeto on its way to his mouth to stare at his grandmother in law. "That is a myth." He said slowly before popping the spicy chip into his mouth, wishing that it was just a little bit spicier to better satisfy his craving.

"Then why do doctors still recommend omegas eat spicy foods to induce labor?" The older omega retorted.

"I don't know, why do some doctors still say it's okay to drink alcohol while pregnant?" Jimin shot back as he licked some of the powder off his fingers.

"Because a little wine every so often doesn't hurt anybody."

Jimin stared at her in disbelief as Yoongi walked up, the alpha obviously having overheard the conversation as he said, "All the pups with fetal alcohol syndrome would disagree."

His grandmother let out a quiet scoff. "That's just a fake disease people came up with to shame omegas for wanting to enjoy themselves while having to go through the hell that is growing a pup inside them."

"I mean, I have a pup in my class this year with fetal alcohol syndrome, so I'm pretty sure it's not fake." Yoongi smiled politely at his grandmother before taking Jimin's hand and leading him away from her, apologizing as they approached their friends, who had also come to the yard sale to help out.

"Namjoon, don't let him eat that bug!" Seokjin practically shrieked, making Jungkook laugh as Namjoon tripped on his way to stop Jae from putting a beetle in his mouth.


Jimin hissed, as always, when the technician squirted that cold gel onto his stomach in preparation for that visit's ultrasound. "Have you felt your pup move yet?" She inquired as she powered up the machine.

"I've felt them wiggling around a little in there." Jimin answered, smiling at Yoongi as he spoke. "But I haven't felt any kicks yet."

"Those will definitely be coming soon, then." The technician assured him as she began moving the wand across his stomach. "Are you wanting to find out the primary gender today?"

Yoongi and Jimin shared another look before nodding. "Yeah, let's do it."

"Alright..." She pointed out the various body parts on their pup as normal before shifting the wand to get a good look at the genitalia. "And it looks like you're having a little girl. Congratulations." The technician turned to smile at the couple, although they were too busy looking at their daughter on the screen to smile back. "You'll be able to find out the secondary gender after she's born if you opt for the gland sample."


Jimin giggled, squirming under the ticklish touches as Yoongi rubbed lotion over his stomach. "Stop moving." Yoongi softly scolded, playfully glaring at Jimin from where he was kneeling on the floor in front of the couch. "I'm trying to have a very important conversation." The alpha looked back at his mate's stomach. "Now where was I, Mochi...ah, yes, we're gonna get a basketball in your hand as soon as possible. I'm not saying you have to be a professional or anything, but I have to have somebody to play with." Jimin laughed again as Yoongi pressed his ear to his stomach as if listening to their pup. "What's that, Mochi? You think your Eomma has the best laugh in the world? Me too!"

"Oh my god, stop!" Jimin laughed again, only to have Yoongi playfully glare at him.

"Excuse me, we are talking."

"Okay, fine." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Then ask her what she wants her nursery theme to be." With the date for them to move into their new house coming up, Jimin had started to think more about their pup's nursery, knowing that he wanted to get started on it as soon as possible.

Yoongi nodded, gently rubbing his hands over Jimin's stomach as he spoke softly to it. "Mochi, what kind of stuff do you want in your nursery?" He put his ear to Jimin's stomach again, humming and nodding every so often as if their pup was actually responding. "Really? Are you sure?"

Jimin giggled again, running his fingers through his mate's hair. "What's she saying?"

"She's saying..." Yoongi reached beside them to grab the elephant toy that Jimin made sure to keep close to him whenever they were at home, claiming that he was helping to form the bond between Mochi and Peanut--yes, he had named the elephant. "That she wants it to be just as much Peanut's room as hers."

"Oh really?" Jimin asked, earning a very serious nod from Yoongi as he rested Peanut on top of Jimin's bump. "So, are we talking a full zoo theme or just purely elephants?"

Yoongi held up a finger as if to say, 'one second' before putting his ear back to Jimin's stomach. "Just elephants." He said after a few seconds.

"Elephants it is." Jimin giggled, sitting up fully and puckering his lips so that Yoongi would lean up to kiss him.


Jimin sat in the middle of the floor, packing away their clothes, when Yoongi arrived home from work, waving an envelope around the air. "Guess what came in today!"

The omega froze, staring wide eyed up at his mate. "Is that..."

Yoongi held the envelope out to him. "Open it and find out."

Jimin snatched the envelope out of Yoongi's hand and opened it as quickly as possible. "It came!" He squealed, pulling out the green tinted card and holding it up for his mate to see. "I have my green card!"

"Now you're officially allowed to work in the United States of America!" Yoongi clapped before sitting next to Jimin and pulling him into a congratulatory kiss.

"Well, after Mochi is born and a spot opens up at the school." Jimin giggled, putting his hand on his stomach. "Eomma's gonna teach dance as soon as you get into Daddy's workplace." He looked back up to see Yoongi watching him with a soft smile. "What?"

"Nothing." Yoongi responded, his smile widening.

"Okay, there's obviously something."

"Nah, it's just..." Yoongi shook his head and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I'm just thinking about how worried you were when it's obvious you're gonna be the best Eomma."

Jimin smiled at Yoongi, his cheeks turning pink. "Only because I'm gonna have the best Daddy by my side." He said, puckering his lips for a kiss that Yoongi happily gave him.

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