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Jeongin should have been suspicious when Chan didn't complain about sending Jeongin home by himself. When Chan kissed his forehead goodbye at the bus stop and whispered a small apology for having to leave early, Jeongin should have figured out that his boyfriend was up to something.

But maybe he can give himself a pat on the back for not being that kind of boyfriend: the type that has to know every single thing that their significant other is up to and growing antsy and doubtful the moment that their routine sways by even a modicum. In fact, Jeongin barely dwelled on it, hanging out with Hyunjin until early evening in the taller's room, passing homework between each other so that they can copy off of each other and save themselves time working.

It's after dinner that Jeongin realizes why Chan left so early. He's lounging in his room, fresh from a shower, him and Seungmin ganging up on Jisung in the group chat, when Chan sends him a private text, asking to call him. Jeongin replies with a short 'sure' and a heart and five seconds later, his screen is flashing with a call from his boyfriend.

"Hey." Jeongin manages to say before Chan lets out a very excited laugh from the other side of the line.

"Pack up, baby, we're going somewhere for the weekend." he tells him. He sounds bubble-headed, like he just accomplished something and was very proud of himself for it and he can't wait to celebrate it.

Jeongin rolls over in his bed to prop himself up on his elbows, intrigued by his boyfriend's announcement. "We are?"

"I just got my driver's license!" Chan reveals with an excited laugh. Jeongin can imagine Chan flopping into his bed with all the excitement.

But it's Friday today and Chan told him his test was on Saturday. "I thought your test wasn't until tomorrow?"

There's half a beat of silence where Jeongin can practically see Chan blink and his mind blank as he tries to think of a reply. "Surprise?"

"Babe, you really have to stop keeping stuff like this from me." he maunders with a teasing lilt to his tone. "I really wanted to be with you when you took your test."

"I'm sorry, love, but I got excited." he says before his voice picks up again, regaining that sparkle of enthusiasm he had when Jeongin first picked up the call. "And this means that I can drive us somewhere tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" Jeongin asked when he realized that Chan wasn't planning on telling him without prompt. He doubted Chan would tell him even if he asked but it was worth a shot.

"It's a surprise." came Chan's predictable reply but Jeongin can't even pretend to be frown about it because he loves Chan's random surprises. "Don't worry, I already told Hyunjin everything and his parents are fine with it. You'll love it, I promise."

"I'll love anything with you, you know that." he smiles into the phone even when he's aware that Chan can't see him. Then he adds, "And congratulations on your license."

"Thank you, my sweet baby bread." Chan croons before his voice drops by a bit and Jeongin won't be surprised if the older had started pouting even by a little. "I'm going to miss playing rock-paper-scissors with you every day."

"Well, we can still do that." he teases lightly, laughing when Chan replies immediately.

"Nope." he deadpans. "I'm your official ride to school from now on."

Jeongin wrinkles his nose at the older and rolls over again so that his back was against his bed, suddenly feeling sleep creep up on him. "Alright, if you insist."

Chan must have heard his yawn because after what sounded like a blend between a gush and a chuckle, he whispers a gently,"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I'll pick you up at yours at around 9."

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