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Chan and Jeongin reach the bus stop a little earlier than they usually do. They wanted to walk around a bit more but Jeongin noticed that the skies were getting rather dark this early and voiced out that it might rain soon. He didn't want Chan walking under the rain, knowing that the older didn't have an umbrella with him, so they decided to say goodbye early. There's still school tomorrow so they won't be apart for long.

"Ready?" Jeongin asks as he puts his fist up between the two of them, level with their upper stomaches. He looks at Chan expectantly and his heart leaps when he's met with the older's charming smile. One too many times this week alone, Jeongin takes note of the way Chan is looks at him with so much emotion and he's still taken aback with how Chan always has the energy to put Jeongin in the centre.

Jeongin still doesn't consider himself as a conceited person but he can see how easily he can fall into that mindset if Chan will continue to boost his ego every time he looks at Jeongin like he holds his universe.

His one and only, Chan had called him. Jeongin doesn't know if there's anything that can make him swell with as much pride and affection as Chan does.

"What?" Jeongin asks when it looks like Chan has no intention of raising his fist anytime soon. There's a rather distant look in Chan's eyes as he stares at Jeongin and the younger can almost see the thoughts circling in the older's head.

When Chan chuckles low and deep and still a little pre-occupied, he lifts his hand and clasps it arounds Jeongin's fists and holds it in his. Chan's thumb rubs the area of skin it can reach, warm and comforting and everything Chan makes Jeongin feel. It takes a moment before Jeongin thinks to open his fist so that he can lace his fingers between Chan's and he doesn't miss the content smile that his boyfriend flashes him when he does so.

"Let's not play today." he suggests with a quick squeeze of Jeongin's hand. He uses that tone that Jeongin is slowly starting to recognize as that one he can't say no to. It's not demanding or authoritative; it's more thoughtful and like Jeongin would have betrayed the world if he so much as questions the older's request. It's not that Jeongin has enough strength to deny Chan of his requests when he's not using that tone on him.

You're getting into the habit of getting out of playing. Jeongin wants to tease the older but he sees the distant look in Chan's eyes. It's not prominent, not something Jeongin would be able to notice if he wasn't standing as close as he was.

The vacant stare Chan is giving him doesn't tell Jeongin that his boyfriend had completely wandered off mentally. There's still attention in Jeongin's actions, ready to come back to him once Jeongin pulls him back. So instead of teasing Chan, Jeongin asks, "What are you thinking of?"

"Mn?" Chan finally pulls himself completely out of his reverie, blinking cutely and Jeongin has to stop himself from cooing at the sight.

"You were spacing out." the younger chuckles before his brows furrow in concern with his eyes trained on their joint hands hanging in the space between them. "Are you tired? We don't have to play today and I can go home by myself, Channie."

Chan is quick to refuse the offer, making it clear that he's not looking forward to saying goodbye. "No, I'm not tired, I'm just... thinking?"

Jeongin tilts his head to the side. "Of what?"

Chan's hold on Jeongin's hand tightens before he brings their clasped hands to his chest, right above his heart. His original plan was to surprise Jeongin with it but ever since the idea had presented itself to him earlier in the week, Chan had been nothing but excited for it. He doesn't think he can hide it from Jeongin for long.

"Of finally getting my driver's license." he answers tentatively. In actuality, he was going to start this weekend, having signed up for lessons a couple of days ago instead of filling up the forms Miss Kang was asking from him. He'll do those when he gets home later. For real, this time.

"Finally?" Jeongin echoes.

"Yeah, I was planning on doing next summer, before senior year, but now I have a reason to get it earlier." there's a weight in Chan's gaze and Jeongin already knows what Chan is trying sayㅡ the gist of it, at the very leastㅡ but it's so easy to feel like the centre of everything when Chan is always looking at him with so much emotion.

So just to be sure, he asks. "That reason being?"

Chan chuckles and brings their hands to kiss Jeongin's softly. Jeongin can feel the laugh bouncing off his lips and vibrating off his skin. "Well, if I get my license, we don't have to play rock-paper-scissors everyday and I can just drive you to and from school."

Jeongin knows that his cheeks are flaring a nice shade of pink right now. It's another one of Chan's implicationsㅡ that he's thinking of Jeongin even when it concerns parts of his life that Jeongin has no part in whatsoever. He's thinking of Jeongin in everything he does and everywhere he does and that makes Jeongin's heart burst with so much love because he knows he does that with Chan, too.

"I don't want to play today." he declares after a moment of silence. There's another one of his small pouts that he doesn't know he juts out.

"I'm not tired, baby, I can take you home." Chan explains to him. His other hand comes up to lightly pinch Jeongin's cheek, too irresistible not to.

"Exactly." Jeongin's voice is small, almost like he doesn't want Chan to hear when the truth is the only person he wants to hear is Chan. "I want you to take me home. Please? I don't want to say goodbye yet."

The possibility of rain is pushed to the back of Jeongin's mind. He really wants to stay with Chan a little longer, a flurry of different emotions coursing through him because he's processing exactly now lucky he is to have this boy as his boyfriend. Right now and surely even far into the future, Jeongin will consider Chan as the single-most precious person in his life. How did he live through five years without him?

Chan smiles at him and cups his cheeks to press a short kiss on the younger's lips. He pulls away and sees the small pout still there, so he kisses it again and this time when he pulls away, his baby is smiling at him. He squishes Jeongin's cheeks ever-so slightly. "How can I say no to my baby bread?"

"Yay." Jeongin beams lightly just as the bus comes into view. The whole ride home, Jeongin's arms are around Chan's torso, hugging him tightly and listening to the older's plans for his driving lessons.

His dad had already taught him the basics but he still needs to accomplish a formal education for it before he can actually take the test, and his first lesson will be Saturday afternoon. He tells Jeongin that his parents have been eyeing a car to get him but since he wasn't planning on getting his license until another year later, was holding off on purchasing it; but now that Chan's plans have changed, his mom had been excited about buying the car. Chan laughs that his license was an excuse to get another car but he doesn't mind if he can use it to take Jeongin around.

"It's a nice jade colour, too." Chan had described to him. "It's a used car but it looks brand new."

Opposite to what Jeongin thought, it didn't rain tonight. The sky simply decided to pretend like it was going to pour. Jeongin is relieved at that, knowing Chan won't have to go home in the rain.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" he offers when they reach his porch.

Even if Chan wants to, he know that he has application forms to fill out and if he puts those off one more time then he won't ever fill them out at all. So with an apologetic smile, he leans over to kiss Jeongin's forehead.

"I have to get home soon, Innie." he says as he cups Jeongin's cheeks and pecks him quickly. "Next time?"

"Okay." Jeongin agrees. "Text me when you get home, okay?"

Chan kisses him one last time before he waves goodbye, smiling to himself when he sees the pink tint on the tips of Jeongin's ears.

He's so cute.


wrote this whilst waiting at the vaccination centre hhhhh so it's on the shorter side and kind of a filler cause of the slight rush buttt yay an update ୧(ᵔVᵔ)୨ i hope each and every one of you stays safe and healthy especially right now! and thank you so so much for reading !!

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