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Monday morning has Chan waiting for Jeongin and Hyunjin at the bus stop, smiling brightly when his adorable boyfriend hops off the bus and runs to him to greet him with a quick kiss on his cheek before Jeongin laces their fingers together.

"Good morning." Jeongin beams whilst he leans against Chan, far too bright for an early Monday morning but no one can blame him when it's the first time he's seeing Chan after they've made it official.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Chan chuckles and leans down to give Jeongin an eskimo kiss that has both of their hearts fluttering at the softness of the action. "You have a good weekend?"

Jeongin nods. "I did. Hyunjin and I watched movies all day yesterday."

Hyunjin's parents were out Sunday morning, which meant that the cousins were free to do whatever they wanted as long as the adults didn't come home to a trashed house. Instead of going out, they decided to throw every pillow and blanket they could get their hands on in the living room and stay in their make-shift fort from morning until the evening. It was nice spending the day with his cousin.

"That sounds like so much fun." Chan brings their hands up to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on Jeongin's knuckles.

"Look, you two are cute and all but can I please wallow in misery in peace?" Hyunjin complains with no real heat in his tone because the couple in front of him reminds him of how he and Seungmin had been when they first started dating.

He misses Seungmin, a pout forming on his face when he realizes that he won't be seeing his boyfriend until second period since the younger gets to school with only ten minutes to spare before classes start. He's a little jealous that Chan and Jeongin have more or less thirty minutes in the morning to meet like this but it's nothing compared to how glad he is when he sees his cousin being smothered and pampered by the older high-school student.

Jeongin makes a sound between a scoff and a snort. Probably unattractive to do in front of his boyfriend but he's too caught up with teasing Hyunjin to be embarrassed about Chan. "Please, you and Seungmin were up until maybe 2 in the morning giggling on the phone."

Jeongin will admit that he isn't completely sure as to how long his cousin was on the phone with his boyfriend since the walls weren't that thin and Hyunjin wasn't that loud. He just knows that they were sure to be up until late because Jeongin had caught Hyunjin on the phone when he went to say good night to the older and if there was something Jeongin knew about Hyunjin, is that he won't cut the call until he falls asleep.

"We were doing homework!" Hyunjin protests and there's a small swell of pride building in Jeongin's chest when he hears Chan chuckling next to him.

"Well, you weren't doing a very good job at it." Jeongin sticks his tongue out at Hyunjin before he tugs Chan two steps forward and leaves Hyunjin trailing behind him and sulking at the fact that he couldn't deny that they weren't being very academically productive last night.

When they reach the school gates, Changbin and Felix are coming from the opposite direction. Ever since they bumped into each other at the bus stop one morning, they've managed to organize a routine for them to go to and from school together.

"Good morning!" Felix greets them as the five of them meet in the middle. He eyes Jeongin and Chan's joint hands but he before he thinks to ask, he remembers that the two were usually very touchy with each other.

"Good God, finally." Changbin laughs before pulling Chan into a hug, the older still not letting go of his boyfriend's hand. Chan had talked Changbin's ear off all of yesterday afternoon and even if Changbin wanted to act annoyed at how much Chan talked, he was more than happy for their friends that they have finally figured themselves out.

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