A Demanding Guest, Common Ground, and A Bit of Marriage Advice

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After eating a late lunch, they packed up a suitcase and went over to the Agreste mansion.

Emilie welcomed them at the door with open arms. "I'm so glad you're going to stay with us for a while. I miss my baby being at home."

"Mom," Adrien groaned, separating the word into two syllables.

"I'm sorry. I know, you're an adult now. But I'm still happy that you're here." And she guided them inside.

Plagg and Tikki flew out as they walked through the foyer.

"So what's the cheese situation like?" Plagg asked Emilie immediately upon appearing. "I hope you have enough on hand for all of us now."

"Plagg!" Tikki chastised. "We're guests! You can't just go around demanding cheese like that!"

Emilie laughed. "We have a little, Plagg. But don't worry, I'll order some Camembert. That's your favorite, right?"

And the kwami's eyes widened. "I knew I always liked her!" he said to Adrien, zipping around his head.

"Yeah, she's great," he agreed, throwing a smile in her direction.

And they all made their way up the stairs and into Adrien's old room.

"Nathalie cleaned the place up," Emilie explained. "So you should be more than comfortable here. It will be nice and private for you, and you'll have your own bathroom. You can almost completely avoid the rest of us if you really want to," she joked.

"Thanks Emilie," Marinette said. "But you know we love being around you guys."

"You say that now," she replied with a smile. "But after a few days you might change your mind."

"Don't worry, Mom. We'll be fine. Besides, if we really need a break, we always have an easy escape," Adrien told her, jutting his chin towards the windows.

She laughed. "Alright, well you all settle in. I'll come and get you when dinner is ready."

"Oh, we probably won't eat. We just ate lunch before we came over."

"Hey, speak for yourself!" Plagg quickly reprimanded him.

Adrien shook his head in amusement. "We'll still come down to the dining room," he continued to his mother. "Just don't bother making a plate for me or Marinette."

She gave him a gentle smile. "Okay, baby. I'll see you then." She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Adrien exhaled, looking around. "I can't believe I'm here. I told myself I'd never live in this house again."

Marinette went up and wrapped her arms around him. "Things were very different back then."

"Yeah, they were." He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. "Why don't you lie down in bed and rest, Princess."

She tilted her head at him. "Why don't you join me?" she offered suggestively.

Tikki giggled and Plagg rolled his eyes before they phased through the floor and disappeared.

Adrien started to smile, but stopped. "We shouldn't. You're injured, and I don't want to hurt..."

"I feel totally normal, Adrien. And my injury is wrapped up, so there's no reason we can't."

"I don't think it's a good idea."

Marinette pressed up on her toes and kissed him. Then she moved her lips down his neck. "Please Kitty," she whispered, knowing exactly what she was doing.

This was pure torture. "Princess..."

"Oh my Kitty, your Princess needs you."

He hated himself for being so weak. "Okay," he breathed, pulling her closer. "But if it starts to hurt, we're going to stop."

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