A Party Theme, An Inspiration and A Good Sign

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Author's Note: This story is part 3 of the 'Half Way' and 'All the Way' series. This story contains major spoilers on the very first page. So if you're interested in reading this, and haven't read the first two parts, I highly recommend going back and reading those first. Otherwise, you'll be completely lost about what is going on.

The first book is 'Half Way.'

The second is 'All the Way.'

If you've already read those two, please enjoy part three!

Major spoilers ahead! You've been warned!

Last chance!

Okay, here we go 😀

"Adrien!" the little girl screamed when she saw him walk through the front door. She quickly ran over and jumped into his arms as he kneeled down to embrace her.

"Annabelle," he said back, giving her a big hug. Then he let go and looked at her. "How's my favorite little lady doing?"

"Good," she replied, smiling at him.

"Alright Anna, let your brother come in the door," Emilie said, walking over to them.

Adrien stood up to give her a hug. "Hi Mom."

"Hi baby. How was the photoshoot?"

"It was fine," he answered before pulling away. "I even got out a little earlier than expected, so I figured that I'd come check on my favorite four year old."

"Four and a half!" she declared, bouncing back and forth on her feet in excitement.

"Oh, my apologies Annabelle! You're getting to be such a big kid."

"And guess what Adrien? I'm going to have a birthday party when I turn five! Mama said that I could."

"Wow," he murmured. "Aren't you lucky? Well, I sure hope that I'm invited to your party."

"Of course you're invited!" Annabelle confirmed.

"It's only five months away," Emilie said to Adrien, smiling. "And she already decided on a theme."

"Oh yeah?" Adrien asked Annabelle. "And what did you pick?"

"Ladybug!" she announced joyfully.

He laughed. "Well as themes go, that's a pretty good one."

"Did you notice the pigtails?" Emilie asked. "She won't wear her hair any other way now. She's suddenly obsessed with Ladybug."

"Obsessed? With Ladybug? Well, she's definitely an Agreste then," Adrien chuckled to her. Then he turned to his sister. "I did notice the pigtails, and you look absolutely beautiful, Annabelle."

She giggled.

"So, it's obvious that you like Ladybug," he continued. "But what about Chat Noir? He's pretty cool too."

A shrug. "He's okay, but Ladybug is so awesome!"

Adrien's face fell slightly. "Just okay? I think he's better than okay. Maybe you should have a Ladybug and Chat Noir theme."

"I want a yo-yo just like Ladybug for my birthday," Annabelle continued, ignoring his suggestion. "I can spin it like this..." She spun her arm around real fast to demonstrate. "And then I can throw it and knock the bad guys out."

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