2. Chapter Two.

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Hearing noises in the hall I quickly got up silently taking a the knife that was in my room.

My heart skyrocketed knowing that I was in a life threatening moment. I needed to save myself and save my baby from whoever they were that broke into my house.

I stood behind my bedroom door unable to understand why the security alarm hadn't gone off.

This was also a secure neighborhood and breakings should be highly unlikely.

I needed to be strong as tears threatened to pool down my face, I felt as though I was about to have sn anxiety attack.

What if my father had somehow found me?

The door slightly creaked open and I held my hand up ready to jam the intruder in the head when they screamed out in fright making me scream out as well.

"What the hell!" I flipped on the light switch to see Mrs. Bianchi at my bedroom door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked holding onto my aching heart feeling relieved it wasn't just any intruder but Valentino's mother.

"Oh my goodness, Carlo come see!" She shouted for her husband lowering her head to my stomach.

"She even has a tiny baby bum!" Viola screamed excitedly to her husband.

I scrunched my nose up in confusing. How the hell did they know I was pregnant but most importantly how the hell did they both knew where to find me?

I watched as Valentino's father made his way into my room smiling down at my stomach. I stood confused before stopping the two from carrying on.

"Why are you two here and how did you find me?" I asked the questions that were most puzzling to me.

"We're here to see our grandbaby of course and to take you back home where he or she belongs plus it wasn't as hard to find you, do you think Valentino would not keep track of where you were traveling to with those Visas he gave to you?" Mrs. Bianchi spoke in a obvious tone.

"Excuse me, where he or she belongs?" I should've known better Valentino would've kept track but all these three months Valentino has never tried to get in contact with me, I wonder if he knows that I'm pregnant with his child?

"Well yes of course." Mrs. Bianchi continued asking Carlo to excuse us to which he reluctantly did.

"My baby doesn't belong to any mafia or gang and I'd rather raise him or her right here without any guns or hiding thank you. I just want my baby to have a normal life." I sat down on the bed.

One that I never had.

"Are you saying you don't want a better future for your child? An opportunity for him or her to be raised with there father? It's not easy to be a single parent Emelia."

"What if your child grows up resenting you because you had the opportunity of letting them be raised by there father but decided it would be better if he or she be raised by only his or her mother?" Mrs. Bianchi spoke.

"I'd prefer it if you called me Lydia plus I do have enough funds to send my child through college so I'm able to get him a good future."

I wanted my past life behind me and I didn't want my child to grow up in some sort of gang, hell I didn't want to be anywhere near it but she did have some valid points.

Mrs. Bianchi sat next to me on the bed pulling my hand in her's.

"Does he know that I'm pregnant with his child?" I questioned her.

"Yes he does and I had to find out from Sergio and not him. I still can't get why he hadn't said anything about this to me!" Mrs. Bianchi fumed.

So he knew all along that I was pregnant and stayed away not caring I was carrying his child? At this shocking surprise I wondered if Valentino wanted this baby or not.

"This baby will never be safe Lydia. Your the daughter of a powerful mafia man with very high influences. Did you see how easy it was for us to break in without triggering off your security system? We could've easily killed you if we wanted. The safest place him or her will ever be is with us." Mr. Bianchi spoke.

This was surely true. This neighborhood had never had a breaking with security at the entrance to get in and my house had a good security system yet they had easily break in.

"I want to be with my grandchild Lydia. I want to experience every moment with him or her. Please we're not demanding that you come with us but just to consider us as well." Mrs. Bianchi pleaded.

I really wanted to be with Valentino so why not take this opportunity to be with the one that I love, plus my child would grow up with a father.

But was being in a mafia worth it?

"I'm sure it's not too hard for you guys to visit and you have to understand where I'm coming from Mrs. Bianchi, the mafia is no place for a child."

"I just want to protect him and I'm happy that Valentino knows about our child. If he wants to be apart of him or her's life then he will make the necessary effort. If not then my child will just have to be without his dead beat father."

I can't believe he knows that I'm pregnant and have done nothing, clearly he didn't want to be apart of it's life.

"I understand Lydia. Let's make a deal, you'll stay with us in our home where you can be as far away from gang wars as possible."

"If anything happens which I'm a hundred percent sure nothing will, then you can leave and be as far away as possible without us raining on your parade and trying to get our grandbaby to stay with us." Mrs. Bianchi continued.

"And how far away will Valentino be in terms of your house to his?" I questioned curiously.

"Oh just a few hours away." She spoke as if it was nothing until my eyebrow rose, obviously she was hiding something.

"Ok he'll only be only two hours away." She rolled her eyes at me.

"So all that time you guys didn't come to visit for months when I was at Valentino at the time, you guys were only two hours away?" Even though it wasn't at all strange but Mrs. Bianchi was so attached to her son that living two hours away wouldn't have stopped her from visiting him every week.

"Valentino had relocated two hours next to us after what happened between your father's men and his." Mr. Bianchi spoke up walking into the room.

"Please." Viola continued to plead.

"Fine but if anything bad happens I'm relocating back here with my baby. Got it?" I asked rather than demanded needing reassurance.

At least my baby's grandparents was excited to see there own grandchild.

"We promise!"

I sighed feeling nostalgia in my stomach again knowing I was soon about to meet Valentino.

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