Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!

Start from the beginning

Frieza saw the oncoming Ki blast and blocked the attack! When Frieza dropped his guard, he saw Ruby in front of him, and shot a Ki blast into his face! Frieza then slammed onto the ground, looking up, he saw Ruby firing a volley of Ki blasts towards him! Ruby was so angry, so enraged, that she couldn't control herself. She continued to fire Ki blasts towards Frieza, even when Weiss tried to tell her to stop. From the side, Vegeta looked on in awe and shock.

'What the Hell is this,' Vegeta exclaimed. 'Her power level exploded!' Vegeta thought to himself.

With a mighty yell, Ruby fired a large Ki blast at Frieza. Vegeta however was starting to get irritated.

'Was she holding back this much power the whole time!' Vegeta angrily thought to himself.

(End Song)

A large explosion rocked the countryside, smoke began to cloud everything from sight. Then, out of nowhere, Frieza reappeared directly in front of Ruby! The silver eyed huntress looked on in horror, as her eyes reverted to a dull grey. Frieza looked down at Ruby and smirked.

"You know," Frieza said. "For a member of the most ancient race in the universe, you're quite pathetic."

Ruby stood there in shock, too afraid to do anything. From afar, Vegeta tried to get her attention.

"You fool, move! Get out of there!" Vegeta yelled.

In one swift motion, Frieza backhanded Ruby and kicked her in the gut, causing saliva to spit out her mouth.

"Oh dear," Frieza said mockingly. "Did I take the fight out of you already? I promise you; the fight has just begun!" Frieza laughed.

Frieza raised his elbow, and rammed it onto Ruby's forehead, causing her to slam onto the ground. The sight of Ruby laying on the ground caused him to laugh.

"It seems that I've worked myself up for nothing!" Frieza laughed.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta had thrown a Ki blast towards Frieza.

"Don't think you've forgotten about me," Vegeta said, his ego and confidence on the rise. "You still have me to contend with! This is what you get for turning your back on the King of Saiyan's!" Vegeta yelled, as he readied two Ki blasts in his hands.

"DIE FRIEZA!" Vegeta yelled, unleashing his Ki blasts. A loud explosion rocked the area, as smoke covered the scene.

"Mwah ha ha!" Vegeta laughed. "So, I don't stand a chance against you, huh? You were a fool to take me so lightly Frieza!" Vegeta smirked.

Unfortunately, Vegeta's smirk turned into a shocked expression, as he saw Frieza floating there, untouched. Frieza had his arms crossed and turned his head slightly to look at Vegeta.

"Now, now Vegeta," Frieza said. "Wait your turn like a good little boy. I'll be sure to take my time with you, right after I finish off this little bitch." Frieza said softly, before descending down onto the ground.

Vegeta dropped his arms to his side.

"B-But I hit him with everything I had!" Vegeta exclaimed. "What kind of monster are we dealing with?!"

When Frieza's feet touched the ground, he bent down, and grabbed Ruby by the hair and picked her up. Ruby held in a scream, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Frieza's fist near her face. Ruby felt her nose break upon impact. Frieza then punched her gut, causing blood to spew out of her mouth and onto Frieza. Frieza kept up his brutal assault, while everyone else look on, helpless to do anything. When Frieza was finished, blood was leaking from Ruby's nose and her mouth. Frieza then dropped Ruby to the ground, and placed his foot upon her head, and began to slowly press down.

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