Start from the beginning

The sounds of footsteps brought her an immediate sigh of relief, one that didn't last long as as soon as the door was opened, it was already on its way to shutting again.

Daisy put her foot in the door, stopping it from closing all the way at Alaric's hand. "Wait, please." She says, breathlessly.

Alaric reopens the door, unhappily, he looks at the two of them. "I thought you ran away to California." He says.

"I thought you—" Daisy felt herself about to make yet another unnecessarily rude joke in response- but she stopped herself before she could piss this guy off any further. "He needs to see Josette." She says.

"I think she'll pass." Alaric says, beginning to shut the door once again.

Daisy's mouth gapped open in disbelief for a split second before she heard Josette's voice. She put her foot out again, blocking the door from being shut.

"What are you doing here?" Josette asked, standing a good distance away from the door, her arms crossed.

Kai leaned against Daisy for a second before he struggled to find his ground. Daisy pushed the door all the way open, moving Alaric out of the way along with it. "I called to tell you I was sick and-" Kai swallowed harshly. "And you hung up on me."

"Because I have food poisoning." Josette says, narrowing her angry eyes. "Did the sound of me vomiting on the other end of the line not clue you in?"

Kai clenched his jaw. "Look. There's an issue I've been worried about since the merge. Because we didn't really do it right?" He shrugs slightly as he continues. "You know the whole- you're not my twin, hey, that's okay, close enough, plan." He sighs. "But it worked, which is you know, cool. Hey I'm even a little bit nice now, in case you were wondering. But I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and well- I think it's dropped. Because I'm—" His sentence falls short, earning a concerned glance from Daisy as she held onto him. His eyes trail up from the ground and back to Josette. "Where's your bathroom?" He could barely get the words out before blood had begin to fall from his mouth once again.

Daisy's eyes widen as Kai topples over towards the umbrella bucket that sat by Alaric's door. "Here." He offers it to Kai, although he wasn't overly enthusiastic about it.

"Oh, God. Ric." Josette says, narrowing her eyebrows at the scene. Daisy watches Josette, as she looks at her brother with fear in concern in her blue eyes.

Kai coughs the last of the blood out before bringing his gaze back up. "I don't think you have food poisoning." He begins. "I was supposed to merge my magic with you. But I got Luke's instead. Now I'm defective- and I think that's why you're sick."

"He's dying." Daisy says, summing up the whole reason they were here in the first place in two words. Josette's expression didn't change, as she already knew that was the case.

"And if I die, so do you, Dad, Liv, and the rest of our dumb coven." Kai says. "So could you please fix me? Like, now?"

Josette looked at him with narrowed eyebrows, then to Alaric, who looked just as uneasy, and then to Daisy, who was awaiting Josette's response just like Kai. She took a breath. "You couldn't do it yourself?" Josette asked, knowingly.

It was obvious what she was insinuating, but Kai wasn't in the mood for her hopeless attempts at stirring something up between him and Daisy. He ignored her, but his shift in composure told Josette that he still hadn't told Daisy.

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