"Geralt the baby is coming!" Jaskier yelled as Geralt quickly cut off its head.

"Why did you leave Stella alone! You know someone tried to take her. If she is in labor she is defenseless!" He yelled.

"Eskel is with her and she asked me to!" Jaskier said as Geralt couldn't belive him.

He asked him to watch her for him and make sure that what ever happens that the child would be safe. No witcher in the history of witchers had children and this was going to be the second one except this child was going to be mostly witcher and a small part witch or wizard. Stella was maybe going to die and he was an hour away.

"Come on Roach we got to hurry!" Geralt said as Jaskier got on her and headed to the keep.

During renovations they put a horn in to call the witchers when the baby was born or if there was trouble coming. The horn sounded and panic filled Geralt. The witchers started coming quickly and Geralt went inside to see Eskel looking worried.

"The mid wife is here but Stella's eyes they were changing a lot and I don't know if that is a good thing or not. It will be a little bit longer but Tyler called everyone here just incase," he said.

"How much longer do we have to wait it has been two hours," Jaskier asked.

"I don't know I didn't ask but it could take hours," he answered.

"Well at least we are here and we can protect the child and Stella," Geralt informed.

All of them started waiting around and it was now five o'clock in the afternoon. One of the mid wives came out holding a small baby and Geralt paused as as the witchers looked shocked.

"It's a girl, healthy as can be," she said as Geralt took her from the mid wife.

"Hello, you're just as beautiful as your mother," he said softly as he held her close to him.

The baby started crying and he kissed her softly on the forehead. Tears ran down his face seeing this tiny creature that was his. He was so proud of Stella and this small helpless baby.

"Wow she is a lot smaller then I thought she was going to be," one of the witchers informed.

"Um Geralt," Jaskier said as he he looked up and saw another baby was in the other mid wives hands.

"Fucking hell, two?! That better be it otherwise I'm going to murder you!" A witcher muttered.

"It's just the two, this one is a boy. Congratulations," the midwife said even though she didn't seem to happy.

Maybe it was because they were witchers but the look on her face already said she was disgusted by them. If she had a chance she may have even killed them. Jaskier held the second one and he was almost brought to tears to. He was in love with these small things and wished he had one of his own.

"How is Stella?" Geralt asked as the midwife actually looked shocked that he asked.

"She will be fine you can go see her," she said as Geralt held his new daughter like she was going to break in his hands.

Geralt and Jaskier went to her room and saw the second midwife talking to her.

"Are they okay?" Stella asked tiredly as he nodded.

"They are perfect..." he said as gently to her side and kissed her on the forehead.

Geralt didn't want to let his little girl go but he knew he had to so she could eat. He then carefully took the little boy from Jaskier and looked him over with pure joy.

"I'm so happy you are here," Geralt said softly as he started to tear up again.

He never knew he wanted something like this he hated people but Stella was diffrent and now he had more to love and he couldn't be more thankful for that.

"Stella told me you would cry, honestly I never seen a grown man cry before," the midwife said as Geralt smiled.

"Just don't tell anyone he might have to kill the people you tell," Jaskier said as Stella smiled.

"Geralt he's getting hungry," Stella warned as he started to root around on his chest.

"Right," he said as she started to feed both of them.

"No more stupid business Geralt you got those three now to take care off," Jaskier informed.

"Hey! I can take care of them to, also Geralt we need to pick names for them," Stella smiled.

"I like Asher and Lillian, the other witchers wanted to call the girl the bringer of death or bloody marry. Asher was the main choice of the witchers, apparently he was one of the first witchers ever created," Jaskier smiled.

"So you do pay attention after all, well Asher is a good name and bloody Marry? Your brothers I swear. I like Lillian we can call her Lilly for short," Stella informed.

"Asher and Lillian, I like that," Geralt smiled as he looked at the twins. Asher had black hair wile Lillian had a bit of both white and black hair.

It wasn't much hair but it was there. Lillian had his yellow eyes and Asher had one green eye and one yellow eye. Growing up Asher loved it when Jaskier played his Lute while Lillian loved hearing about bloody battles. At first Yennefer was skeptical about that as well as Sarah until Yennefer tried telling her a story about a unicorn. She started to burt into tears until one of her uncles started to add blood and guts to it making her smile a toothless smile. Of course Yennefer claimed it was gass but Geralt knew better.

But this is not where the story ends it is just the beginning of another one. One with a child surprise named Ciri and a world hell bent on catching her. Seven years after the twins are born, and when the darkness started to flood the land with dark creatures.

Book 2 will be out soon!
This is the link to my new story enjoy!


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