Unwanted protection

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Ink was laying on his (not his, he didn't want it to be his-) bed, but didn't want to wake up. It was soft and comfortable, and as long as he was pretending to sleep he didn't have to-
"𝑔σσ𝓭 爪σяŇ𝐢ŇG ķ𝐢𝕂𝐢."
The Protector (what kind of Protector was he, he couldn't even protect himself or his friends) tried his best to keep his breathing even and to not tense.
"ι 𝕂ŇσⓌ 𝕪σ𝕌'яE AⓌA𝕂E, 𝓭σ𝔩𝔩."

Ink recognized the warning for what it was, and opened his eyes.

Error was inches away from his face, with a (deranged) smile. Ink remained perfectly still and smiled (nervously) back. The Destroyer strings were uncomfortable, and couldn't wait to get rid of them; they were easy to ignore while he slept, but after he woke up he could feel them digging in his wrists and ankles, binding him, chaining him, shackling him, caging him, forever and ev-

The artist felt a bop on his forehead, and realized Error was watching him (when wasn't he? Watching him like a hawk, a predator-) with a frown.
"รσ爪Et𝓱𝐢ŇG ᵇσt𝓱Eя𝐢ŇG 𝕪σ𝕌, ķ𝐢𝕂𝐢?" The glitch held his face in his hands gently, to avoid triggering his phobia; it wasn't as severe after spending so much time with Ink (lucky him), but fortunately Error still couldn't do much (yet). Unfortunately, that meant tying Ink down during the night to avoid any accidental touching.

Stopping himself from flinching, Ink smiled again and answered: "Don't worry Ruru, I'm just sleepy today. Maybe some breakfast can help me wake up?" And he didn't want to remain in the room anymore, he wanted to see other people, even if it was... them.

"ᗝⓕ 𝓬σ𝕌яşE 𝓭σ𝔩𝔩, Ⓦ𝓱AtEѶEя 𝕪σ𝕌 ⓌAŇt."


Error got up (and away from him, thank the Creators) and held up two changes of clothes: one was his usual outfit, while the other was something Error had picked out for him.
"𝕎𝓱𝐢𝓬𝓱 σŇE Ⓦσ𝕌𝔩𝓭 𝕪σ𝕌 𝔩𝐢𝕂E?" he said, raising his own a bit higher to indicate it was the correct choice, but Ink would keep wearing his clothes (his his his, something Error didn't touch) for as long as he was able.
"The one on the right."
"aяE 𝕪σ𝕌 ş𝕌яE?"
The Protector made a sad expression on his face, and sheepishly said: "I feel a bit more comfortable in it, but if you want me to wear the other one..."
Predictably, Error widened his eyes and hurriedly replied: "ภσ, Ňσ, ķ𝐢𝕂𝐢, 𝓭σŇ't ᵇE 𝕌pşEt! ι נ𝕌şt t𝓱𝐢Ň𝕂 𝐢t Ⓦσ𝕌𝔩𝓭 𝔩σσ𝕂 şσ Gσσ𝓭 σŇ 𝕪σ𝕌, ᵇ𝕌t 𝕪σ𝕌 𝓬AŇ ⓌEAя Ⓦ𝓱At 𝕪σ𝕌 ⓌAŇt!" He then leered and added: "үσ𝕌 𝔩σσ𝕂 Gσσ𝓭 𝐢Ň AŇ𝕪t𝓱𝐢ŇG."

Ink suppressed a shiver and said: "How sweet of you."
Error just chuckled and took a glass from the bedside table, full of colorful paint.
As soon as he was captured, Ink had had his vials and Broomie taken away from him, and hadn't been able to get back either of them: he was always watched (always always always, leave me alone-) during the day, and the one night he tried sneaking out of the room he shared with Blue and Dream, Error had been right in front of him, asking him what he was doing; he had managed to blurt out an excuse about being thirsty, and so the glitch had escorted him to the kitchen and made him hot cocoa, all the while cooing at him. After having his drink, Error had insisted on sleeping together (literal sleeping, thankfully. Error's haphephobia was a blessing).

Ink hadn't tried sneaking out again, but the idea of cuddling to sleep had been planted in Error's mind, and now Ink was lucky to sleep with his friends twice a week.

"ᗝpEŇ Ⓦ𝐢𝓭E ķ𝐢𝕂𝐢."
Ink's hands were still bound, so Error held his glass for him and helped him drink.
Fucking creep.

Unwanted protectionWhere stories live. Discover now