A Sekirei of Ocean

Start from the beginning

"Oh, this is Dream. He is an old friend of mine. And as for why he looks like me. It is best that you do not know."

Akitsu looks down at Ink Sans, before he than nodded her head, respecting and caring for his master's secrets. She than looks forward, as Ink and Dream sighed, worried of what she would think if Akitsu had found out of what would happen if she discovered the reason as to why they both have the same face and all that kind of stuff. Than, Ink rubbed his cheek for a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"I am kind of surprised that you have decided to come and visit me this soon, Dream. Especially since you have much more better stuff to do then me."

Dream than looks at Ink Sans, as he than spoke out to the Protector of the Alternate Universes.

"Well, my brother has been oddly quiet for some very unknown and strange reason. So I figured that I get to spend the time with you and help you at whatever it is that you are having some trouble in."

Dream Sans looks down at the ground, and held his chest, as he spoke out.

"And what in the world? What is this strange pull that I am feeling inside of me?"

This caught Ink Sans' attention, and he turns to Dream, and was about to speak out to him about this. But than...


A powerful explosion occurred, and it made Ink, Dream, and Akitsu, all 3 of them to freeze in their tracks. This caught all of them by surprise, as they were not expecting for such a thing to happen. But as that happened, a female voice spoke out...oddly in Shakespearean.

"Get thee hence!!"

This made Ink and Dream look confused, as Akitsu spoke out to the 2 Protector of the Alternate Universes.

"Ahh...up there."

Ink and Dream looked up, and saw that there is someone falling down.

"I said get out of the way!!"

Ink Sans was about to make a platform for the person that is coming down, but Dream grabbed Ink Sans by the shoulder and leapt back, along with Akitsu, but not before Ink made the platform to make the person land on something. Both Ink Sans and Dream Sans were caught completely off guard by that, but than...the 2 of them finally looked to see who it is...and they are both stunned by who it is that they are seeing.

and they are both stunned by who it is that they are seeing

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The person that had landed...it was none other than a female, likely 2 years older than Ink, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Ink Sans could not help by look at the strange beautiful lady that is before his very eyes. But he immediately shook his head, and before he could do anything, Dream than spoke out to the blonde-haired girl.

"Hey, are you okay there, miss? You aren't hurt by the fall, are you?"

The blonde female turns to face both Ink Sans and Dream Sans, and she gave a stern look, as she than spoke out in that same Shakespearean accent of hers.

The Soulless Artist and the Guardian of the Doodle Sphere (Union Academy x Ink)Where stories live. Discover now