Chapter 35

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The first few days after the breakup were unsuccessful. Why unsuccessful?

It was a very peculiar way to describe a break up.

It was unsuccessful because Adeline, though heartbroken, sore and exhausted, thought she was free from Harry. And though devastated, it meant that she didn't have to worry about Harry while working on the cabinet. She didn't have to think that Harry was stalking her on his map because seeing her name on it was supposed to bring him too much pain

Or so she thought.

Because when she went to the Room of Requirement at about five o'clock in the morning, she thought she was in the clear.

As she scoured the piles of junk, she suddenly began to feel her arm burn.

Adeline's lips parted at the shock of it, and instead of taking a left, she took a right. Harry didn't know that Adeline's arm burned around him, which Adeline once saw as a horrible issue was now the best tracking device in the entire world. Because she knew when Harry was around in an invisibility cloak.

What a stalker. And then Adeline thought, I knew you didn't trust me.

And so, Adeline improvised and meandered, ensuring she didn't take Harry anywhere near the cabinet. Though, it was difficult not to hold back tears. Harry just loved her so much, and she loved Harry, and she'd do nothing more than just turn around, rip off his cloak, and just hold onto him. But instead, she randomly looked at things, and even thought of a coverup while her arm burned and burned. She found a golden pair of scales that she picked up because they looked valuable.

This didn't happen every day, but it was often enough for Adeline to fall behind on the cabinet because she couldn't work on it given Harry followed her. She just had to read random books on one of the couches in between the piles, or again look for valuables for fun.

It was enough to confuse Harry but not reveal what Adeline was actually doing.

And of course, Adeline didn't want to let Harry know she could sense when he was there with her arm; that was a tool she couldn't let go of.

Time passed and Adeline's heart got sorer and sorer as being around Dark Magic began to weaken her. As Christmas got closer, Adeline was forced to reside in the Common Room after a week or two because knowing Harry was following her made her hate herself as a Death Eater, and miss him too much to bear as an ex-boyfriend.

Her nightmares were so severe that she woke up screaming, her bed soaked in sweat. Anxiety lived all over her body, and her self-hatred grew more and more. Death Eater, Death Eater.

Seeing Harry in the halls, well, was devastating. Harry looked sad, because he was sad. And Adeline was sad, too, but she was able to push through it knowing the purpose of pushing him away.

But she knew this breakup wouldn't last. It wasn't painful enough for Harry to hate her. This was why she had to do what she had to do. Look at Harry, he couldn't leave her alone for a day let alone several weeks. And maybe Adeline would blame her decision on Harry needing her, deep down, Adeline needed Harry more than Harry needed Adeline; Harry's soul protected her from the Dark Magic she faced.

It was only when Adeline crossed Blaise in the Common Room when she realized she needed to wipe the board clean and get a fresh start.

"Hey, what do you think—Why do you look so nice?"

Blaise smirked. "Slughorn's Christmas Party."

Pansy met up with them, wearing a dark blue gown that sparked and highlighted her eyes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum