Chapter 1

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It was the day after—morning, to be precise—Harry Potter's name was spat from the Goblet of Fire.

"Can you believe it?" A fourteen year old Adeline Malfoy glared at the Gryffindor table. Potter sat alone. Merlin, he looked so stupid. "You know what — why am I even surprised? It's so Potter-like to do something like this."

"You think he actually put his name in the cup?" Blaise looked up from his bowl of cereal.

"I bet you he planned this before he even got to Hogwarts. He probably organized the tournament himself with the Minister and rigged it in his favour so he can get more press. Oh he'll eat this up. The articles, the editorials about him. Speccy dumb git gets all the publicity," Adeline stabbed her eggs with her fork and Draco Malfoy, her twin brother, nodded fiercely in agreement. "There are more worthy people who deserve that attention."

"Like you?" Blaise blinked slowly and Adeline huffed.

"Yes, like me. You know I wanted to put my name in the cup. Everyone did. Who wouldn't want the honour? And now I'll get a letter from Father talking about how Potter got in and I didn't." She scowled.

Draco mirrored her expression and nodded once more, "I will too, actually. That show-off git."

Adeline and Draco continued their rants until their faces were red and their eggs were cold. Their common hatred for Harry Potter was what brought them even closer as twins. Most of the Slytherins had already gone to class, either bored with the two or gasping for oxygen, since they seemed to take so much out of the room.

Though everyone had been talking about the same thing since the previous night: Potter's name impossibly spewing from the Goblet of Fire.

"How long has Adeline been like this?" Blaise asked Pansy, who took a seat next to him as Adeline continued ranting. Draco was apparently done by now and satisfied with his speech about why he was so much better than Potter.

Pansy sighed. "Since last night."

Pansy was unfortunately one of Adeline's closest friends. Not that Adeline was unpleasant in any way (not to her, at least), only the fact that she never stopped talking about Potter.

"Wow, last night? She broke her own record. Draco too, none of us could sleep! Theodore even left the dorm and slept in the common room last night."

Pansy snorted and grabbed pancakes, stacking them up on her plate. "Wasn't the longest Draco had gone on, about Potter, three hours?"

"Nope. It was five after Granger punched him and Adeline kept talking about how that 'Mudblood' had the audacity to even hang out with Potter." Blaise snorted.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "I don't get what's with Adeline and Draco's obsessions with Potter."

"Oi, pay attention!" Adeline snapped.

"We are." Blaise lied.

"I want him to lose so badly." Adeline sneered.

"He deserves to lose. He thinks he'll get all the glory." Draco rolled his eyes.

"All that attention. Isn't he famous enough already? about dramatic." Adeline added, resting her head in her palm and scowling.

Then, Draco's mouth twisted. "What if he died?"

Pansy and Blaise shared a look. Sure, Potter was an attention-seeking git, but did they really wish him dead? Wasn't that a bit too extreme?

"It's happened before, a student dying in the Triwizard Tournament," Draco continued, oblivious to the raised eyebrows he was getting. "Maybe this is a good thing. Then we wouldn't have to see his ugly face in the hallways. Durmstrang could win. It'd be great! We need to make sure that happens."

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