Believe me if I say that in physics and chemistry we are all atoms which combine together to form a complex form that's all.

Wait wait why so near,we can say that we are just some quarks and electrons as standard model suggests that universe is made up of 12 fermions and 4 bosons in quantum level,with something else too, ofcourse I forgot, who do you think I am, the Einstein incarnation or something???

I mean, when we go on a walk,we hardly ever think about anything that is related to science and dear Einstein imagines how the light may travel..... That's why he is, who he is....

I think all the scientists will be so jelly of me..... I smirked at that thought.
Hm, what the heck?
What the hell am I doing?.
And from when did I started thinking about physics????
I am loosing my sanity,... Oh god i have to get out of here soon....
But how???

Hmm, the caves...
Wait wait, but that cave didn't have anything.....
Ha!!!!!ok wait Adhvika maybe that was some other cave....hmmm, I think I have to search other caves too... I mean who knows what I may get...

Ok, with great determination I woke up from the soft comfortable bed and did my morning routine, which these royal people do....

Just as I finished getting ready,I heard a knock and I permitted them to come in and Bhavana proceeded to comb my hair and some other maid thought it was a great idea to put so many jewelleries on me..
Now I seriously doubt that, these people imagine us as some Barbie doll....

I am feeling so heavy after wearing all these things. I don't know why on earth do people feel envious about these royals,. Now I kinda feel pity towards both myself and everyone else.  .. .. there is nothing to be jealous of..

I think I am ranting once again, ha!!! Who cares...

So after getting ready I went inside the huge dinning room/playground...

Surprisingly everyone was waiting for me.. why though? And why do they have to have breakfast so early,I can't really imagine these people ever having a brunch. . 

This time I thought to suprise these chimpanzees and wished good morning to everyone and their faces lit up as if I showed them some unexplainable phenomenal magic show... I rolled my eyes at that internally ofcourse...

Not that I am scared of these good for only fighting chimpanzees....

I sat down at my usual place and started having a very rich breakfast.... At a very unholy hour, atleast for me.

After the huge breakfast,I asked father (temporary one though) that if I could check out the forest,ok let's make it more clear I didn't particularly asked it, rather I wrote it.

"Little highness you can surely do as you please, but may I know the reason for your request on visiting the forest, when you could have asked for a tour of the kingdom. Just curious and nothing else." King asked in a polite way, it's really weird to see someone as powerful as him, speaking in such a sweet manner.

Ok,so now I can't really inform him about my great escape plan now can I?
So....I have to think about something else..

Idea 💡

I swiftly wrote (ahh why does this sounds as if I am referring about driving and not really writing.. ) and gave my answer.

So I wrote that,I just liked nature a lot more and I am fascinated by all the natural habitat... Well,it was not exactly a lie, I really liked to see Man vs wild with Bear Grylls,it doesn't mean that I wanted to try something like that,I am too precious for that shit ... I mean everyone are.

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