Chapter four; page twenty five

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The two people that he'd really rather not see at the moment, were standing right in front of his apartment door staring at him with wide eyes. It was unusual seeing them standing side-by-side, their outfits contrasting one another - like two worlds colliding right before his eyes. Wolf suddenly felt like running away. They were both staring at him expectantly as if they've been waiting for him all this time, and he had to let out a heavy sigh to control his anger.

Uncle Kyung was the first to attempt to break the painful silence. "Oh..hey buddy, I just wanted to stop by for a bit. I.. uh, well I didn't know you were already expecting someone" he said heartily, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable atmosphere. He looked unsurely to Gray, who just silently returned his gaze, bowing his head slightly in respect. Wolf felt like he was in some crazy fever dream and took a second to absorb the scene in front of him.

Eventually though, he became tired of just standing there and instead decided to just make his way through the both of them,to punch his code in. "Y'know what, fuck this- honestly, my god." Wolf murmured, aggressively unlocking his door with his back hunched.

"Language young man!-"

"Yeah, yeah just get in." Wolf felt anything but hospitable, yet he still allowed them to come inside.

"Just sit on the couch or something, I don't care." But since he didn't expect to be a party host, he ultimately decided to just give in to their sudden appearance.

He didn't have the energy to deal with them, so he hoped that they could maybe leave on their own volition so he doesn't need to spend time trying to kick them out, because today was just not the day. Gray dutifully took a seat on his black leather couch, finding it hard trying not to slide right off of it - while his Uncle had decided to take a curious look around the area. And as they did that, Wolf had retreated to his room, audibly shutting his door behind him. Ah yes, his room.

His temporary escape from all of life's misadventures ; Although it was a shame that he couldn't just stay there for the rest of the evening to relax due to his unwanted guests. He didn't even want to ask why they were there in the first place. Well - more like he just doesn't want to ask Gray - especially in front of his uncle. He already knew why Uncle Kyung was there anyways, it's Gray that's the real mystery.

What if he was still mad about the entire money thing? Otherwise why would he be there, what would he need from him? Worst case scenario, he'll use the entire sex thing to coax him into paying upfront.

"Wolf! It's rude to keep your guests waiting." Uncle Kyung teasingly called for him from outside his door.

He could spend more time pondering, but he had matters to attend to. Those matters being the two trouble makers currently loitering around in his home. Taking a deep breath, Wolf really had to will himself to take a step out from his room - but when he did, he was faced with the horrifying sight of his Uncle and Gray sitting on his couch with a book full of his baby pictures.

Speedwalking his way there, he quickly snatched the album away from his uncle, seething. "You!-" He pointed at his uncle, "You-" then to Gray. Wolf was flabbergasted, trying to make sense of everything as the two watched him lose his mind from his couch. It took awhile, but Wolf started to feel himself calming down - eventually just giving up on being angry.

"What the hell are you two even doing here -"

Weak Hero: Satellite (Graywolf: Wolf Keum x Gray Yeon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ