The Story of How You Met Izzy

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I felt pretty sure I was being watched. I tried to be discreet as I looked around to find who was staring at me. It turned out to be a really sad looking Shadowhunter. Naturally, I immediately started panicking. What had I done? And what business did a Shadowhunter have here. This was a well known Downworlder hangout. But when I stopped to look a little closer at her, she didn't look like she was here on business. I had noticed that Shadowhunters wore black on missions, and she was wearing regular mundane clothes. Also, she didn't have the determined look they had on missions. She looked a mix of heartbreak and prowling. She's looking for a rebound, I thought to myself.

And it seemed she had settled on talking to me. She dates Downworlders? She must, because her path wasn't changing as she continued her path across the room to me. She sat down next to me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" She wasted no time in asking, but she seemed so tired. I could help her. We both knew it was obvious she was proposing I be her rebound, but I wanted her to feel better, even if it ended up being at my own expense a little later down the road.

"Yeah, sure, rum and coke, please." She ordered my drink and herself a round of shots. Jack. My eyebrows shot up. She just looked at me.

"Oh, please, like you didn't know I was heartbroken." I smiled sadly.

"What was her name?" I automatically assumed she was gay since she was here.

"His name was Simon." She paused. "Ex-Daylighter, now amnesiac, doesn't remember me at all." The confusion on my face was clear. "Greater Demon. There's always some kinda shit going on in my life." Then she took a shot. She was clearly already buzzing, and the more alcohol she drank, the more open she got. I ended up learning that her name was Izzy, she had three brothers, but one of them was dead, the youngest one, that her best friend was Clary, one of her brothers' girlfriends (the other was gay and very much in love with a warlock. I was quickly learning her siblings were very open-minded to Downworlders), she had a thing for faeries, which was why she was here, with me. I inquired if she had any intentions of making a long-term relationship, and she honestly said she had no idea.

She ended up being too drunk for me to understand her anymore so I dragged her into a cab. The taxi driver smiled at me. "Wingwoman?" he said. I looked at Izzy and shook my head. "I think I'm supposed to be her rebound." I had him drop us off near the Institute and hoisted her up on my shoulder to get her the rest of the way. I knocked on the door and a really pretty blonde guy answered the door. He took in the scene. "You supposed to be her hookup?" he asked. I nodded. He nodded back. "Bring her in. You wanna stay with her till she wakes up?" I stopped.

"I'm allowed to do that?" He looked shocked that I questioned it.

"Yeah, you got my sister home safe. The least I can do is offer you let her find out if she got alcohol poisoning or not." I chuckled a little. He was charismatic. "I'm Jace, by the way." He stuck out the hand that wasn't holding up his sister. I shook it. A dark haired guy came into the lobby and saw us. "You brought her home?" This must be Alec. I nodded. "Thanks. You staying? You could meet everyone."

"Uh, yeah." I said. " I wanted to make sure Izzy was okay. She seemed sweet." I paused. "All of you have been through a lot."

Alec paused. "You have no idea."

They lead me to her room and Jace laid her down on her bed. She stirred a little and shuffled a bit to get more comfortable. I sat at the foot of her bed and watched her for a minute. Jace stuck behind after Alec left.

"You really like her, don't you?" Jace asked.

For the millionth time in my life, I hated how honest I had to be. "Yeah, but I don't think it'll last. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who stays with one person for long."

Jace paused. "She's not, but everyone's capable of surprises. I used to be the biggest fuckboy you could've met, but a certain artistic redhead changed my ways. You never know, Izzy could take a turn for the better because she attempted and failed to hook up with a faery she found, probably in a Downworlder bar, am I wrong?" I shook my head. I didn't wanna hang on to his words, but I assumed he had a point.

Hey bitches! I had access to a computer and took advantage. I always write better on a computer. Also had a creative boost, so this may not be the end of my writing streak.

Also, I'm really interested in this storyline. If I had the motivation, I'd turn it into an acc story. Sucks I can never keep my shit together.

Wentz (non binary issues called for a new name)

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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