The Story of How You Met Gabriel

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I'm back after a temporary, unintentional hiatus.

Gideon was training when the door silently swung open and you walked in. He didn't immediately see him, and as an envoy from the Clave, you took that as an opportunity to jump him. You attpted to tackle him, but something made him turn around and block your attack. You saw his eyes widen for a second, not knowing who you were, but regardless, he had a smirk playing on his face and he crouched with his fists ready, not having been currently training with a weapon.
You unloaded your weapons, giving him a fair fight.

You jumped towards him swinging towards his face but he blocked you off and nailed you in the stomach. You doubled back and tried again in a quick succession, but you only got 2 of the 3 swings you made in.

The two of you continued to fight, but moving to quickly for either of you to remember the moves. It turned to something of a dance, the two of you being each other's equal in battle, and eventually you had the sense to throw in the towel.

You threw up your hands and he stopped. "Lets call it a draw, yeah?" You said in a thick Yankee accident.

"You're American?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was sent to help the investigation against... your father? It is him with the pox, correct?"

He seemed sad. "Yes. That's him."

"I know the Clave isn't always the greatest, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm truly sorry. This must be hard for you." I would've touched his shoulder, but he didn't seem the type to like physical contact for comfort. Either way, the look in his eyes showed he really did appreciate my condolences.

"Thank you...?" He didn't know my name.

"Oh! Y/f/n." You stick out your hand, and instead of shaking it, he kissed the back of it. You blushed, but assumed this was just London customs, since you were a woman.

"You know something?" He asked softly.

"What's that?" I responded just as quietly.

"For a Clave member, you're really pretty."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Thank you...?" It was in that moment, I realized I also didn't know his name. Just his last, since he was the Lightwood's son.

"I'm Gabriel. My older brother is Gideon."

"Well then, thank you Gabriel." I smiled and decided i should probablygo talk to the head of the Institute. "Who runs this Institute?"

"That would be Mrs. Charlotte Branwell." A woman! I thought excitedly.

"And where would I find Mrs. Branwell?"

"I'm not sure. I'm sorry. I just moved here."

"Oh, that's okay. I'm sure i can find her. Thank you so much for your assistance and for showing me that training here is going smoothly." And with that, I walked out to find Charlotte.

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