Italian Ice

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Chapter Five: Italian Ice

Vinny from engages in a food fight in the bowling alley after Nikki and Pauly hit him on the head with a pretzel.

Vinny returned fire, but it was Nikki who was struck with a flying cup of nacho cheese all over her hair.

For revenge, she dumped cheese all over Vinny's jacket, putting Vinny in a sour mood and causing me to ask the show's producers to scramble to find a good dry cleaner.

Then the entire group heads to dinner. Once we get to dinner, Jenni steps out because of Meilani and Vinny starts with Angelina.

I rolled my eyes and eat my salad.

Then Angelina and Vinny have a race which Vinny wins.

"I can do some good jump roping," Vinny said.

Vinny pulls out his jump rope from his bag and starts jumping rope.

"My daughter jump ropes too. She's seven. What's your excuse?" Pauly said.

Everyone laughs.

"What the fuck is that little move?" Angelina asked.

Everyone laughed at Vinny's little performance, so I decided to outdo Vinny.

I got up and grabbed the jump rope from Vinny and started doing advanced jump rope tricks.

"Oh wow," Mike said.

"I bet your seven-year-old can't do that," Vinny told Pauly.

"No, she's can't," Pauly said.

"Okay, I'm done," I said as I stopped jump roping and handed it back to Vinny, and took my seat.

"Good job, Cinta," Deena said.

"We got a bunch of island gals with us. State Island," Vinny points at Angelina.

Angelina chuckles.

"Jenni from Long Island," Ronnie said, laughing.

"Chris, where are you from?" Angelina asked Chris.

"I was born in Brooklyn but moved to Jersey when I was young," Chris answered.

"Freehold? Marlboro? Old Bridge?" Angelina asked Chris.

Everyone gets quiet and looks at each other after Angelina says Old Bridge.

"Okay," I said, ready to end the night.

- - - -

"So, Cinta, are you dating now?" Jenni asked me.

"I have someone in mind but nothing yet," I answered.

"What? No, I have so much questions now," Jenni said.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I'm nauseous," Nikki said.

"Are you pregnant?" Jenni asked her.

"No, I'm on birth control," Nikki answered.

"Hey, listen, you can still get pregnant. I'm birth control," Angelina said.

"I would like to get married first and then have a child," Nikki said.

"For me, I don't care what comes first," I said.

"Ooh! So you've been thinking about marriage and kids," Lauren said.

I smiled.

"I mean, that's the purpose of me wanting to be in a relationship," I said.

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