what the fu- ıllıl 23 ıllıl

801 17 5

play song when u see **


"my daughter!" the woman exclaimed.

"it's fine shes safe" denki calmed

Y/N's head hung low, a tear silently falling. "i'm so sorry" she whispered.

in the matter of seconds she was embraced with a warm hug. "hush hush my little rain cloud, its okay, we are fine."

denki lets her go and gently traces his hand down toward her fingers, once he reaches her hand he hold on to it, and runs. nothing more he just runs.

by now the tsunami had passed so it was clear, the streets covered in debris, Denki ignored it and ran.


Y/N looked over toward him and saw his wide smile, he did not care what she had done, to him it was years ago, to her it was just the other day.

he did not care she hadn't told him about the child, he did not care he could not see from his eye, nor feel his hand, he did not care he had raised a child on his own, he did not care she had left him, nothing fazed him,

Y/N looked at him in awe as she ran along side him, she felt like a child again, before her parents casted her out, before being number one mattered, when she was truely alive.

every-time she was around him she felt whole, she felt young. perhaps this is why she loved him.

Denki how ever, he was ecstatic, he had finally been reunited with his love, he was ecstatic he got to reunite his daughter and her mother, he was ecstatic running, he did not care about the past, he never did, he knew she was not truely in control of herself.

Denki only thought of this moment, a new core memory, it reminded him on his past, his heart beated as fast as it did the day he laid his eyes on Y/N the day of the Exam.

fuck he missed this.
fuck she loved this.

Denki looked over toward Y/N who was laughing her eyes shut, her full trust in Denki to guide where she ran.

god she's beautiful Denki thought.

Denki looked forward and ran and jumped over the obstacles but slipped a bit over a wet car part, he was swiped up by a gentle wave bringing him back to his feet, he looked over again to see the young woman giggling at him with her hand up in the air.

Y/N had saved him from completely stacking it with just a single twitch of her finger.

by this point the two stood on the tower over looking the city, Y/N ran and jumped off the edge backwards, Denki got flash backs from the past and ran to the edge in panic, only to see the young woman had created a wave and used it to carry her across the sky as she surfed the wave back up to Denki as she circled around him creating a rainbow from the spare droplets that fell from the wave.

Denkis mouth hung open in awe, she was his, although it was not official, since Denki met her he had never had a single thought of another, just her, only her.

"fuck i'm lucky" he sighed.

Y/N gently landed in-front of him, "and so am i" she whispered in his ear, she leaned into him and came closer to his lips.

it had been years since they kissed. Denki leaned forward to embrace her, but as quickly as be blinked she had swerved him, she laughed out loud.

"oi short circuit, i would really love to see my daughter right now" Y/N laughed out.

Denki shook his head and sighed and pointed toward a house, a house that looks exactly like Y/N's dream home she explained to Denki one Monday morning before class.

Y/N created a water slide down to the door, grabbed Denkis hand and slipped down. she was excited to finally meet her daughter.

Y/N slammed the door open and looked around in joy,

"Hello?" called a small delicate voice from a room under the.. living room carpet?

Y/N used a wave slice to cut the lock open, a young girls head popped up from under.

a young girl with brown hair in two buns looked up, he hair a dark brown, her blue and green eyes glancing around, a small Spark in them, a black bolt faded into her bangs. her teeth somewhat pointier then usual teeth, her skin white as can be, almost porcelain, her lashes long and voluminous.

she was stunning, the ideal look of what Y/N had imagined.

tears began pouring from the two girls, words note introductions didn't need to be said, they both knew, as if a connection had sprouted.

they ran to each-other and embraced themselves in a hug. Y/N cradling the young girls head into her stomach. the young girl grabbing her mothers back in a tight grip.

Denki followed in, a smile graced his face, his tears pouring out, "MY WATER DROPLETS!!!!!" he screamed running toward the two and tackling them down.

they all landed in a puddle on the ground caused by the tsunami, which they had all just forgotten about, they were too caught up in the moment to even realise.

this was a moment Denki, always wished.
this was a moment Ariel always Dreamed.
this was a moment Y/N always wanted.

Ariel never thought she would meet her mother.
Denki never thought he would see his Love again.
Y/N.. well she never thought they would take her back..

it had been years to everyone in the city, they had moved on, the truth had been told. Y/N had no control over her actions, All for one had used a gas on her to increase her wants, she had always thought about it but had never truely planned to follow through with anything! she would never hurt the ones she truely loved and cared for.

but Y/N still thought they hated her, sure some here and there disliked her, but some adored her, thought she was amazing.

minus the massive battle and the side Y/N took, many stories arose from the crowds of Y/N's amazing Quirk, talk of her Power filled the world, stories not even 1-A had heard about came forth, amazing tales of her talent and love shocked many.

before she joined the UA she had gone to another school and saved them from being exploded from an evil gang of villians.

she had saved a bus of old people from falling into a never ending valley.

she was honestly amazing. she never even noticed how amazing she truely was. she had forgotten.

I'm No Extra ★ Denki X Reader★ BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now