"Good, okay so we're already ahead of the game a little bit that should help."

    "Do we need to recruit more people?" Bruce asked. "Clint maybe? What about that Ant-man or something that Rhodey mentioned. And Spider-Boy!"

    "Spider-Man," Cassie corrected him. "He's kind of in space with Tony right now..."

    Rhodey stepped forward to speak. "Clint retired and I have no idea where Scott is."

    "Not to worry, you will have the full cooperation of my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, and the Dora Milaje," said T'Challa. "We need to start preparing for our guests."

    "Yeah that's a good idea," Cassie said. "I need more knives."

    Steve put a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need knives, kid," he said.

    "Hmmm, I think I do."

    "No, you don't you have your sorcery."

    "Yes, but I could also use knives."

    "Just let the kid have her knives, Steve," Nat butted in. "We're about to fight a bunch of aliens."

    They looked back at Steve and he contemplated his decision. "Fine.. you can have your knives."

    "Yes!" Cassie explained. "I hope you know that I was going to get knives whether you said yes or not." He rolled his eyes, walking off with Bucky as the team began to disperse and prepare. She looked around the room before spotting Wanda sneaking off. "Wanda!" she called out, catching up to her.

    "I'm sorry but I'm going to stay with Vision," she told her. "If anything happened to him... I would never forgive myself."

    Cassie felt her heartstrings pull. She hoped that with their little advantage with the mind stone that Thanos couldn't end up killing him and turn him into a weird grayed-out robot. "I wasn't going to suggest otherwise. As soon as the stone is gone you have to come down and help us."

    "Got it." She began to walk away but Cassie put a hand on her shoulder.

    "Wait... if for some reason Thanos gets the stone, you are the only one that can destroy it."

    "I don't know if I can-"

    "I know. I know you can. Just please promise me that you will put an end to this? Don't tell Steve but you are like the most powerful Avenger out of all of us."

    She watched as Wanda contemplated what to say. It was a hard choice, deciding to sacrifice the one you love for a greater good. Finally, she nodded. "I promise."

    Cassie gave one nod back before stepping away to go find a set of knives. She yelled out to no one in particular something that she had always wanted to say since the day she became an Avenger. "SUIT UP!"


    "Uh Cap, we gotta situation down here!" Sam yelled through the comms.

    All of them had gathered back together, riding together on the hover carriers to the edge of the border protecting Wakanda. From above, hellfire rained down. Explosions shook the earth as the ash scattered over the barrier. Bucky, Steve, and Cassie looked up to see debris.

    "God, I love this place," said Bucky.

    "You and me both," Cassie said.

    She looked over to the other hover carrier to see Natasha. "How we looking, Bruce?"

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