4 - Vienna

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It had been a long excruciating hour in the hotel room in Vienna. Cassie had been pacing back and forth in the hotel room Tony gave her. She had to be honest, all of this was a little overwhelming. Getting to meet the Marvel actors was one thing but to be in the movie, talking to the characters; it was something completely different. She kept checking her phone to see if the bombing had happened yet before deciding to just turn on the tv altogether. Scanning the channels, she looked for the live press conference. Finally, she found it, people just starting to file into the building.

None of them know, she thought. None of them know what is about to happen but me.

She kept glancing at her phone, going through all of the old videos and pictures she had with her dad. He would freak out when she got back home, telling her how delusional she was before storming out of the room for some other meeting. This was, of course, if she could actually get back home. Cassie had started taking pictures since her first night in the compound and hoped that if the same thing that happened to her got her home, her pictures would transfer over.

Now that she thought about it, the way she ended up on this other earth seemed eerily familiar. The gold circle that appeared below her, the one that sent her falling through the sky, looked a lot like the portals Dr. Strange made. Maybe he was her ticket home, but, Stephen Strange wouldn't get his powers until later this year.

Her thoughts were cut short when a jingle sounded from the tv. "Breaking news," said the reporter. "A bomb when off in Vienna today during the conference for the Sokovia Accords. Our sources say that only one was seriously injured, the King T'Chaka of Wakanda. He is being rushed to the hospital as we speak. Authorities have identified a suspect, James Buchanan Barnes, otherwise known as the Winter Soldier..."

The reporter's voice faded away as Cassie took in what had happened. King T'Chaka was still injured but he was alive. That's better than before right? The hotel was only a couple of blocks from the building and she knew that things were going to escalate soon so sneaking out seemed like the best bet.

It wasn't hard to sneak out of the hotel. There was no security and Happy was still back in New York, well, for now. Cassie took off down the street, trying to remember the way to go. She heard all the commotion in the distance, helicopters, fire trucks, ambulances; she followed the noise. It wasn't long until she reached the cut-off point. There was yellow tape surrounding everywhere and she didn't know how to get in. Quickly, she picked out the least intimidating officer and walked up to him.

"Excuse me, I need to get in there," she told him.

"No can do. No one goes in or out," the officer said.

"It's okay she's with me!" said a voice. Cassie looked behind the officer to see Tony strutting over to him. The guard took one more look at her behind giving her the nod saying it was okay. Cassie walked under the tape and met up with him.

"Thanks," Cassie said.

"You shouldn't be here," Tony said, "I told you to stay at the hotel."

"Well, I'm the only one that knows what happens all right?" Cassie talked back to him. Tony's eyes widened at how disrespectful she was being. "Sorry," she added.

"So you knew about the bomb?"


"And you knew it would injure T'Chaka."

"Well in the movie he dies on impact so I say we're off to a little bit of a better start."

Cassie and Tony looked around at all the destruction that was caused. Tents were being set up to help people and the building was still on fire. She tried to eye where Nat and T'Challa were, needing to convince him not to go after the Winter Soldier.

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