14 - Acadeca

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"Hey what are you doing?"

Cassie turned around on the rooftop to see Spider-Man swinging towards her. Shit, she thought to herself. No one was supposed to know she was up here. She hoped that Peter wouldn't be able to see through her cheap-looking disguise and notice it was her.

"Hi," she said back not, knowing what else to do.

Peter swung on onto the roof, landing in his iconic position. She had to admit seeing him in the suit was pretty cool. "What are you doing up here? I saw something was off are you okay?"

"Yes, Spider-Man, I am okay."

"Then what are you doing on a roof in the middle of Queens at 11 at night?"

Before Cassie could answer a sound erupted from across the street. Cassie and Spider-Man both turned to look and saw a group of guys in cheap Avengers masks breaking into a bank. Shit, she thought to herself. I guess Homecoming has officially begun...

"Stay right here!" said Spider-Man before swinging over the store. Cassie watched as he snuck inside the door going unnoticed by the criminals.

Why was he telling her to stay put? She could fight off those bad guys just as well as he could. Without thinking, Cassie made a portal, appearing next to Spider-Man who was leaning against the back wall. When he saw her, he jumped in surprise.

"Holy shit how did you do that?" He asked, causing the attention of the robbers to turn to them. "Sup guys, hope you got your PIN," he said, directing his attention towards them. "Woah you're the Avengers! What are you guys doing here?"

They all turned their weapons towards Cassie and Spider-Man. "Wow, Tony Stark robbing a bank? I thought you had all the money you needed Stark!" Cassie joined in, lifting her hands to form an eldritch whip that slashed by her side.

"I would be nervous if I were you I didn't know she could do that." He shot a web towards the closest robber, bringing it up to slap them in the face while Cassie circled her whip around another guy, pulling his feet out from right under him. "Thor, Hulk, good to finally meet you guys!"

Spider-Man jumped on the ceiling, kicking the robbers out from underneath him. One of them tried to take a swing at him but Cassie jumped in front of him, casting a shield to stop the blow. "And here I thought the Avengers were supposed to be the good guys!"

As the shield dropped, another robber got up from the floor, grabbing Cassie from behind and pulling her down with him. Spider-Man lunged to try and stop him but another robber pointed a deviation gun towards him. Spider-Man dangled in the air, not knowing what was happening.

"Woah this feels so weird!" he exclaimed.

Cassie jumped back over the guy's shoulder and spun her legs around to wrap around his neck. She hit him on the pressure point on the back of his head, somersaulting forwards as she fell. Now standing, she turned around to the guy who was levitating Spider-Man. She had never attempted stronger magic before but she thought there was a place and time to try everything and now was defiantly the time. She moved her hands in the clocklike position she read about in the library, crossing them across the center of her body and shooting her fingers out forwards the gun.

The Bolts of Balthakk shot energy from her hands, shooting the gun, along with the robber back against the bank wall, knocking him unconscious. Spider-Man fell gracefully to the ground before standing up and brushing himself off. He turned to look at her, the eyes of his suit raised.

"How did you learn to do that?" he asked.

Cassie shrugged, amazed at what she had just been able to do. "I-I didn't know I could do that. I had never tried that before."

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