33 - The Black Order

Start from the beginning

"Just a minute!" she called out before pressing her phone back to her face. "It's happening. Thanos is coming."


"Please just listen to what I have to say!" He stopped speaking. "I- I have never been happier than I have been with you. I like being with you, and how I feel when you're around. I- I love you."


"You don't have to say it back, I know. We've been dating for like 6 months or something like that but I knew that if I didn't say it now I would regret it later. So I love you."

"Cassie!" Stephen called again, his tone getting stricter.

"I have to go," she said to Peter.

"Wait-" He called out.

"Goodbye, Peter." Before he could say anymore, she hung up, shoving her phone in her pocket. She turned around, walking back towards everyone. "So, what's the plan?"

"You said that they are going to arrive any minute now?" Wong asked. "Then we go out, wait for them."

"They want that stone," Tony said, pointing to the Eye of Agamotto. "We should destroy it before it's too late."

"We might want to use it," Stephen argued.

"The only thing I know that can destroy the stones beside the infinity gauntlet is Wanda."

"She's back at the compound. I'll call Steve and give him the run down," he said, taking out his phone and punching in Steve's number.

"Tell him to head to Wakanda and that they need to remove the stone on Vision's head. Shuri can help with that."

Tony nodded, walking away. She could hear Steve pick up on the other end as Stephen turned to her again.

"Let's go give this Black Order a rude awakening," said Stephen.

Tony turned back to the group. "They're on their way to Wakanda with everyone."

"Then let's head out," Cassie said.

She led them outside, and down the street in the general direction that she knew the Black Order ship would land. As if right on cue, the wind began to pick up, swirling everything around them.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Bruce asked. Tony tapped him on the shoulder to look up. All of their eyes gazed above to see the circular ship slowly lower itself to the ground. "Oh that's- yeah that's great."

The winds intensified, causing people in the streets to panic but never the less, they persisted forward. Cassie and Stephen led the group, raising their hands to create the Winds of Watoomb to stop the wind. As the dust cleared, members of the Black Order appeared in front of them.

Ebony Maw began to speak. "Hear me and rejoice! You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing-"

"I'm sorry earth is closed today!" Tony interrupted. "You better pack it up and get out of here."

Cassie nudged him on the arm. "Really Tony?"

"It was worth a shot."

"Stonekeeper," Maw said, turning to Strange. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not, I speak for myself," Stephen said, summing the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Wong and Cassie joined him, summoning their own rings in defense.

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