Azula resisted the urge to put her head on the table and fall into a nice deep sleep. She was paying no attention to the video, until a loud knock on the door caught her attention.

"Rachel Fairchild, you're under arrest for the murders of Megan McVey, Oliver Hayden, and Detective Sean Peyton." Ms. Evans came into the room with two cops. Azula's head snapped up and watched the scene unfold.

Ms. Evans and her son bickered while Azula sat up, and walked out the door, watching the police take Ms. Fairchild away.

"You should've told them about Chucky." Devon said.

"Yeah, brilliant. Because I've always wanted to be institutionalized. How about you?" Lexy spoke, and Azula's eyebrows crinkled.

"What does that mean?" She whispered, but they all ignored her.

"Lexy's right. We can't just tell anyone. We have to find him and kill him." Jake decided.

"But we did kill him. I mean, all of us and Megan were there." Devon said.

"We all saw what happened to McVey. He's still out there." They all looked at each other.

"What if there's like...more? Maybe there's some voodoo spell the doll does to make other dolls become murderous doll serial killers." Azula reasoned, basically knowing that other people were trying to bring dolls to life. Including her mom. Just another day in Hackensack!

They all started at her, until Lexy broke the silence. "You're high. Anyway, it has to be Tommy."

"I am not!"

"What your sister's doll?" Devon spoke. They all ignored Azula. "I thought you checked him out?"

"I did, now he's missing." Lexy explained.

"What? Since when?"

"How is that even possible?"

"This is serious. We have to find him." Jake declared. Azula's lips pulled into a straight line where you could barely see them.

She tapped her foot on the ground. "I gotta go to the bathroom." She decided, and walked off away from the conversation.

"Wait!" Lexy yelled, and Azula was almost at the bathroom. Lexy's face had appeared around the corner. "My house, after school, as soon as you can."

Azula nodded and pushed the bathroom door open. She went into a stall and dug through her bag, finding a cigarette she stole from the market.

"Fuck me." She sighed, before lighting one end and sticking it in her mouth slightly.

She wafted the smoke away and coughed loudly and hoarsely.

Her phone dinged. "Can we come to your house instead?" The text said. It was from Lexy in the Doll Hunters group.

Azula mentally panicked. No! No! No! Fuck! There is forreal cult shit up in there!

"No." She sent back, and Lexy started typing again.

"Why not?!"


"We're coming to your house after school. Don't be late."

"We are?!" Megan had sent, and Azula chuckled before she got serious again.

"Oh fuck!" She muttered to herself. She shoved open the bathroom stall door then the bathroom door and ran down the halls and out the back exit of the school.

She grabbed her bike, and jumped onto it, biking fast back to her house.

Azula drove up the driveway and shoved the bike in the corner. She ran into the house and upstairs.

The girl stomped upstairs and shoved open the door of the room they were in the last time.

Now, all the doll were on one wall instead of all around the room, still in their boxes.

Azula spotted 'Chucky' laying on the ground, staring in the distance. The person, not the doll.

"Why are you in my house?" Azula groaned, standing in the doorway.

"Oh hi, Azula! How are 'ya?" Chucky asked, smiling. Azula shoved the door open even more, and motioned her hand.

"Get the fuck out of my house." Azula spoke.

"Why should I?" Chucky asked.

"Because I said so?" Azula shouted with attitude. "This is my house. Get out!"

"Shut up!" Tiffany spoke out of nowhere suddenly coming into frame. She had a knife in hand. "We're staying here right now and that's that."

Azula groaned. "Fine. Just be quiet or I'll chop both of your guys' fucking heads off."

With that, she slammed the door and walked down the stairs and out her house.

OK I finally got a chapter out yippeeeee!!! Ok but anyway I watched Euphoria whole I made this and that was my only motivation so yeah. This chapter sucks but yknow some ppl r gonna die in the next ones so I'm excited for drama lol

(𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚) Everlasting, ChuckyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora