Chapter 5

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She was captivating and mysterious, fearless and nostalgic, all the things Elysian has always wanted, and all the things he had never been. Yet his mind still drowned in the possibility of him and her, and that possibility was now a reality. 

Slowly, the Luminous lapiz lake twisted and turned like the mind of someone's curious thoughts. Beneath the trees the lake made itself at home, sleeping at every crevice it can slither itself into as if it was a snake searching for its prey. A film of bright blue bubbles coated the lake, as the fairies and pixies shared their happy thoughts with one another. Situated upon the largest meander is the pixies, they're laughing and giggling away in Pixiglish. Surrounding the lake, stood the long lush green trees with branches so long they squat upon the corners of the water.  

Tideswell bunkly was the most romantic, unknown, and mysterious location. Wrapped around Elysian’s neck are Potentias sweet-smelling smooth hands, they are there for no harm but to stroke his humbug brown hair. There they stand hand in hand, mouth on mouth, lips on lips, ear to ear. They were ready to start their journey together, Elysian and Potentia. 

Her lips were sinking into his as if they were never to see each other again. Their bond- inseparable. Yes, they have done it, success. Elysian and Potentia were on the rocks, not just any rocks but the ones they believed to be the holy rocks, the fortune rocks. 

AQUARIUS LOVER by Louise May SmithWhere stories live. Discover now