chapter 3

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She was dragged across the floor and thrown at someone's feet. Lifting herself up, she looked into the face of the boy she met in the woods the night before. The same boy that kissed her.


"Your hands smoothly move over mine. Your lips intoxicate mine. What is the point of this? Is this your revenge? Oh potentia darling, if you are playing revenge we will play revenge. Thou shall not win against me. Potentia a weak female-only wanted for her sexual capabilities, don't you know This man is only in it for the money, he is like me, darling. All the men will feed against your neck, and slither into your pockets. His kiss will slowly sink into more, his love will progressively become fake. He will never love you. Oh dear Potentia why couldn't you have said? I never loved you anyway, and now you’re going against your father’s orders." 


" The very thing that distinguishes us both is that I would never hesitate to choose you in every lifetime, you wouldn't even choose me in this one. And although I gave you my flesh and bones. I know I cannot love you without loving me. So there you are, overflowing with my love. And here I am pleading for a droplet of yours or whatever I could salvage. There must come a time where you recognise that to grieve someone hurts a lot less than forcing them to be a part of you. And I know I should not beg for love but for just once I wanted someone to be afraid of losing me. So yes Bently, I love another. Someone who loves me in return. Someone who holds my hand at night and tells me it's going to be alright, do not look surprised as I know you have never felt the passion in the way of love towards myself."


‘Fie, fie, fie. You shall not step your head out of this room, as ye are mine, mine only,  forever and ever. I control you now.’ 

AQUARIUS LOVER by Louise May SmithNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ