Chapter Two - Percy

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Percy whistled as he walked around Camp Half-Blood. Today was peaceful - one of the few peaceful days this camp had.

Annabeth was holding his hand. She was happy when he was there.

Piper ran up to them.

"Percy," She scolded. Uh oh, here they go again. "You weren't in your cabin when I inspected it!"

Percy shrugged. "Hey, cut me some slack!"

"Slack?" Piper clenched her clipboard. "You have no idea how hard it is to get into a locked cabin!"

Percy could tell she was using a little bit of charmspeak. He suddenly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Piper," Percy apologized. "I... I wanted to spend some time with Annabeth."

Piper glanced at Annabeth. They had a silent argument, then Piper spoke up. "Fine. But next time, if you're not there, I'm giving you an automatic one!"

Piper was about to stomp off when she stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot, I saw an Iris message pop up through the window for you. You should check it out."

Percy sighed. He'd been getting so many Iris messages from other campers about small problems like "I can't find my arrow" or "A nymph is chasing me!" Percy wished they would direct it to him, but they insisted to send it to his cabin.

"I'll be back, Wise Girl," Percy said and kissed Annabeth's forehead.

"You better, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth grinned and let go if his hand.

Percy jogged to his cabin. He pulled out a sea green key from his pocket. He would just give it to Piper, but rule at camp was that you have to keep your key at all times. It sucked, but he couldn't change it.

As he stepped into the cabin, the sea breeze filled the air. Percy heard the Iris message. "Please insert one golden drachma."

Percy rolled his eyes and found a drachma in the water of the miniature fountain. He tossed it to the rainbow and said, "Please accept my offering."

Percy had expected to see one of the campers, but instead he saw bathroom. Like, his bathroom from his apartment. And his mom was standing there frantically.

"Mom?" Percy called.

Percy's mom turned her head. She gasped in relief. Her face had worry all over it. "Percy, you need to get here right now."

"Why?" He asked. "What's wrong? Is something going on?"

"Yes, something is going on, dear. Just hurry. You have some people who want to see you."

"Who?" Percy asked, but he heard someone knocking on the door. He wasn't sure if it was coming from the Iris message or here.

"I can't stay here much longer. Just come!" His mom said and slashed through the connection.

"Mom!" Percy yelled. He looked around, but no one was knocking. It had been from the Iris message.

Percy shoved a squirt bottle full of water and a bag of drachmas in his backpack. He made sure Riptide was in his pocket by force of habit, though he knew it would always reappear there if he lost it. It was there, and he ran out of his cabin.

He passed Annabeth on his way out.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked. "Where are you going?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just... I need to get to my mom," Percy answered hurriedly.

"Should I go or..." Annabeth didn't need to finish. Percy knew she knew that if he wanted to go alone, there was no convincing him otherwise.

"Um, yeah. You can come," Percy decided and grabbed Annabeth's hand. They rushed to find Argus and drove to Manhattan.

Percy and Annabeth found Percy's apartment and ran inside.

"Mom!" Percy yelled.

"Mrs. Jackson?" Annabeth called.

"In the kitchen," They heard Percy's mom say. They hurried to her, and Percy instinctively pulled out his pen. He uncapped it before he realized there were mortals in the kitchen.

There was a man and a woman. They both looked casual. The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman had long red and white hair tied in a braid and dark green eyes.

"Mom, who are they?" Percy asked.

"Is that a sword?" The man asked. "We're just here to talk."

"Mrs. Jackson," Annabeth said, "Can we trust them?"

"Yes, please no fighting. Percy, put the sword away." Percy's mom said. Reluctantly, Percy capped his sword and put it in his pocket.

"A sword that can turn into a pen," The man corrected himself. "Wow."

"We get emails from a raccoon," The woman reminded the man.

"A... Raccoon?" Percy asked, relaxing a little bit.

"Name's Rocket," The woman said. "Comes from space. Long story."

"Please, sit," Percy's mom told the teenagers. They found a spot on the opposite side of the table and Percy kept his hand on Riptide.

"Okay," The man said. "Let's talk."

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