Chapter 14 - Liberation of Town Krill... and make it our own base :D

Start from the beginning

"You!" he pointed at the mage who flinched, "Before the last golem was cut off, can you determine the size of the enemy force?"

The mage was sweating, "Well... uhm... sir, I can only estimate that from the signal... uhm, possible 1000 or 2000 from that... alone." he said with a gulp in the end.

(Ha! you fool, to think that they only have 2000 soldiers they already surpassed a 100k and I plan to add more hehehehehe >:D)

The Commander however didn't appreciate the mage's report, he slammed both of his fist in the table. Making some items fall to the ground, while making his colleagues back up a little.

"Thats not enough!" he shouted, he then breathed in and out slowly as he assess the situation, "Alright, we might not be able to protect the town and loose this place, but we can make bleed out long enough to hopefully weaken them. The 7th and 8th Armies responded to my hails and they are currently moving here with. The 7th are the closest army aswell as the 8th moving here a 1 day or 2 day long." he said.

His 2nd in Command suddenly said, "But Commander, what about the 5th Army?" he asked.

The Commander shook his head, "Nothing, we got no signal or words from Colonel Fen, even his army has gone dark."

Colonel Fen has a bit of history when it comes to combat, he was a great leader as his Army was more disciplined and trained to some extent to fight a proper army. He is one of the best Commanders in the Quan Dynasty has to offer for his expertise in command and morale for his troops. He brought several wins under his belt in the war between the Quan Dynasty and the Grizalan Kingdom in the past.

This made the people inside the room stare at him in shock. They think that the Grizalans can't actually defeat an army much less from Colonel Fen, even if they even managed to defeat an army size force, the Colonel must relay a message about their situation. 

The Quans were now getting anxious for some reason, while defeating an army is no big deal to the Quans since they can't kill them all or capture since they are too many of them, they can just retreat, regroup, get more soldiers into their ranks, and counter-attack with fresh troops. No, the big deal is that the Colonel is not responding, the Colonel always answer their CCC for reports or anything even if they suffered severe casualties.

"But sir, if Colonel Fen isn't answering our hails, then that means-"

"-It means that Colonel Fen's army is no more, they have been destroyed or captured." the Commander finishes the Mage's sentence, knowing the outcome if the Colonel is not responding.

The people around him gulped and can be see visibly shaken by the revelation.

"How the hell did the Grizalans managed to do it? even we face their full might, no army should be gone in an instant." his fellow colleague said while making a thinking expression.

"We don't know exactly on how they did it," the Commander said, "But it could be those unknowns that killed all of our golems." 

"Sir, could they be allies to the Grizalans?"

"Could be." the Commander said while fixing the items on the table, "Why the hell did I slam the table anyways?" he thought from his mind.

Before the mage could open his mouth to talk, a distant boom was heard outside.


This earned the attention to the people inside of the HQ to be high alert, "What the hell is that sound?!" the Commander shouted as he readies his sword.

"We don't know commander." the Mage said while lifting his staff. 

While they waited for something to happen, another small booms happened outside, this time it was two.

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