Chapter 11 - The Auroran Army Upgrade... sadly no maus tanks D:

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Quick Recap. on: A New Age of Warfare

The combined arms of Aurora Army, the Grizalan Armed Forces, and the Defected Quan Forces managed and swiftly destroyed the camp that Salam's forces positioned at the front of the Mountain Pass. Yes, James have now a name for its Army, they are the Aurora Army...

Now its their turn...

To return the favour...


Talking: "Hello how are you? i'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "i'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts'

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Former Salam's Quan Forces Camp, Western Region, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 11, 904

Time: 12:43 AM

3rd Person P.O.V.

"How about we call ourselves, The Aurora Army?"

James said to my Divisional General Lutz about the question. The DGs, the Grizalan Officers, and even the Quans looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

James noticed the looks that he is receiving, he shrugs at them, "What? thats all I got." he said with a shrug.

They looked at him with a shrug also, but his Generals agreed with the name, "I think thats a good name for the army General." Surprisingly, Divisional General Arthur of the 5th Hell Fighters Division talked to me.

"Well look at that!" James said while pointing DG Blurry, "Atleast someone agrees with me." He said while laughing lightly.

This made all people around him laughed also. After a minute of laughing, a soldier from the Aurora Army came into view as he was running towards him. This made all of the people around him stop and looked serious as the soldier went straight to General James who stopped laughing.

"General! we have something that might interest you." the Auroran soldier saluted at James.

James returned the salute, which makes the soldier dropped his hand, "Whats is it?" he asked the soldier.

"Sir, we have found information about plans in regards to the Western Region invasion," he stated, "We have also found this crystal of somesort when we were searching valuable items. It would be better to show you this." He brought out a medium sized pink crystal and presented in front of them.

As James was about to talk, The Quan Major suddenly shouted, "Oh my! thats a Continental Communications Crystal!" the Quan Major exclaimed.

James looked at the Quan Major with an eyebrow raised, "You know this type of crystal?"

The Quan Major nods at James, "Yes General, this is a rare one infact." he examined the CCC, "From the looks of it, its relatively new," he looked at the soldier, "Where did you find this mind me asking?"

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