Adam Banks D3

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You and Adam were lying on your bed watching a movie. He was spooning you with his hand under your sweater and you were wearing athletic shorts. Your bodies were curved into each other.

Adam had his hand under your big sweater slowly running his hand up and down your waist and stomach.

"Is there anything you wanna do?" He quietly asked.

"Ahhhmm not really." you reply softly.

He chuckled lightly and you two snuggle into each other more. He starts lowering hand closer to your V line. His hand reaches the bottom and he lightly starts rubbing up and down. Your breathing got heavier and your eyes started to reach the back of your head.

Even though his hands were only on top of your shorts and not direct it still had so much impact on you. You lightly moaned and let a big breath out.

" Ahahah you like that?" He chuckled quietly.

You moaned again and started to squirm under his touch. You twisted and sat on top of hips. You and a slightly angry look on your face. He raised his eyebrows with an amused look on his face. You had to admit he looked quite cute.  You felt yourself blushing a lot.

" Stop that!" You exclaimed and pushed his face. You just love him to much

Vincent Larusso/Adam Banks ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now