Chapter Forty-Seven, Capture and Kill

Start from the beginning

Matt had been grabbed, along with at least six others. I know it's bad that I didn't feel the need before, but now I really do need to go save them. I gently handed off the sleeping JuJu to a sitting soldier and got up, marching out of the hidden spot. Before many of the concerned soldiers could ask to escort me back, I ran past towards the reported location that the searching soldiers were walking. They were outside, loading into vehicles and shouting orders to each other that higher-ups had given. I got into one of the jeeps and sat in the back along with another ready to shoot soldier. "It's nice to see you joining us sir." The soldier said and gave me a friendly smile. I returned the smile and got comfortable, laying back. "We're going after the last known sighting of Blue Angel, sir. If you didn't already know, I mean." He said a bit awkwardly and i sighed tiredly. "And where exactly is that anyways?" I asked and he shifted, spreading his legs to get comfortable in the seat.

"It's about fifty miles from our base, in a small town nearby. Our soldiers already control it, but we only have a few stationed there." He reported and I rubbed my face. "And I haven't even had breakfast-." I groaned and the soldier chuckled. "I've got some food if you'd like sir, I took it before I had to come out here." He told me and opened up his pack, taking out food that had been loosely wrapped with aluminum. "Ah, that's very kind of you." I spoke politely as he offered a breakfast burrito. I had never had one before, but it looked delicious. "No problem, Red Leader." He said with a warm smile as I took it from his hands. I carefully ate the mix of food and discovered exactly how much "breakfast" was in breakfast burrito. There were eggs, bacon, sausage, and a bunch of veggies with some tomatoes included. It was absolutely amazing, and I'm going to order it for the rest of my life. I glanced over at the soldier who was chowing down on another breakfast burrito. He had a scar along the side of his face that looked pretty deep.

"How'd you get that?" I asked curiously and he swallowed before replying. "Oh, my face scar? I just got it during that attack a few years ago. Y'know, the one where you turned into that big uh.. I don't know what you'd call it. But anyways, I got attacked in the first group when the enemies came in. Now I've got a kick-ass battle scar." He said with a proud grin. "Not as cool as yours though." He added and playfully punched my shoulder. "Fuck yeah." I chuckled and kept eating, sharing a look with the friendly soldier. After finishing a delicious breakfast, the soldier sitting in shotgun looked back and glanced between the two of us. "You guys want some coffee? I brought my Thermos." He offered and held out the warm bottle of metal. "Yeah sure, hand it over." The solider beside me grunted and roughly yanked it from the guy's hand. I watched as he unscrewed the cap and chugged at least a cup of coffee in one go. He then held out the open Thermos bottle to me and I stared at it in a bit of disgust. It's not that other people's saliva is beneath me, I watch way too much porn for that. I suppose Thomas' snobbish habits are just catching on.

I hesitantly took the Thermos and chugged at least a quarter of the bottle before giving it back to the soldier in the front. "Nice one dude." The soldier beside me said with a grin and held out his hand in a fist-bump position. I grinned and returned the gesture, lightly colliding our fist in a sort of "bro moment". I've never really been one for social interaction, but this is nice. Once the Jeep arrived in a small town, everyone unloaded off of their cars and walked in form through the town. All of the villagers stared with wide eyes, but didn't seem so afraid. They were used to the presence of Red Army soldiers, just not this much of a presence. Soldiers went through different houses and asked the locals questions, still trying to be as minimally disruptive as possible. I walked around the village looking for any evidence of Thomas, any scent even. Without my amplified senses, it was very hard to interact with the environment like I used to.

"Sir we have a lead! Two miles North and moving!" One of the soldiers shouted to the captain of their troop. They quickly retreated back to their vehicles and I followed suit, getting into the same Jeep as before. The car ride was silent between the passengers, aside from speaking between radios and shouting updates. Soon, I could see a small cluster of discreet black vehicles in the distance. The windows were tinted so that none of the passengers could be viewed, but I did borrow binoculars from the driver so that I could more closely examine the vehicles themselves. They seemed to be pretty standard vehicles, aside from upgrades like tinted glass, reinforced armor, and bulletproof tires. There were no distinguishing features like a logo or color scheme, so it was hard to tell who exactly had kidnapped my soldiers. The cars sped up suddenly, going over a hill and out of sight. Once we went over the hill in pursuit, the cars were gone.

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