Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

"On your left." I heard Maggie say in my head. I couldn't see her but I immediately turned right into the nearest classroom.

"Thanks again." I messaged back, glad the classroom door was unlocked.

"Wait about two more minutes before you come out. I think they are looking for you. They are walking slowly." She was speaking rapidly. My guess is she was late to class. I peeked from a corner of the little window in the door and I could see Dalya and her crew lazily making their way sown the hallway. Thank the goddesses for Maggie, my phone was on silent and I hadn't heard the alarm.

Maggie, Dak, and her youngest brother Aran were my eyes and ears at the school now. We worked out an elaborate plan when we got back from Egypt two summers ago. Dak had managed to slip a tracking device into the lining of Dalya's backpack so we always know where she is. If her backpack gets anywhere near me an alarm alerts us through our phones. I get away from her more often than not these days. When she is unavoidable the others know where we are and can hurry to my side. This usually lessens the severity of her ridicule. I haven't been caught alone in months.

This technology has made these last two years bearable. Maggie, Dalya, and I are juniors this year. Dak and Abe are seniors and Darius and Derrick are away at college. Home seems so empty now, I actually miss them. Mom has made their room into a mini-dance studio, so instead of building blocks on the floor you get to see yourself from every angle as she had all the walls mirrored. All the ballroom dance trophies that they have won over the years shine in crystal encrusted display case.

Ironically, I discovered the classroom I had turned into is actually the science lab. I love this room. It is bright and airy with open floor to ceiling windows along one wall. Sun streams through the windows and the fresh air probably keeps everyone safe from all the chemicals that get mixed in here. Eight lab stations in all, scattered around the room, each surrounded by four stools, a student on every side. Colorful liquids in little funnels and bottles fill the locked cabinets. I wonder how many spells I could make with these resources. I see they are labeled, but they are wisely turned so they are not visible to the student body with the cabinets locked. No problems for me, I chuckle at human security, and I quickly turn them around to explore my new found resource store. I read over the name on the labels, memorizing them for later research. Calcium chloride sounds familiar and copper sulfate. I would be spending some time with the old spell books this weekend.

Of course, I wouldn't steal, but if the long awaited attack happened while we were in school it would be nice to know my options. Becoming a great warrior means I had to be ready anytime, anyplace. I made a mental note to share this with the others later.

With no human eyes on me I pick up a beaker and move it across the room with my mind. It makes it to the teachers desk unharmed. This never gets old!

I stare at the white board, maneuver a purple marker from the tray to rise and write "I'm hungry" across the board. I giggle at my boredom. It feels good to be silly. To my astonishment the marker continues where I left off.

"Me too! Join me for lunch?" Is scrawled just under my words.

I jump up, nearly knocking over a stool trying to turn around. Behind me I see a smirking Abe.

"Hiding from my sister again?" I never heard him enter the classroom.

He knows! I try to play it cool but I fail epically. "Better to hide than to be tormented." I say miserably.

He sighs. "She really has it in for you. I am sorrry for that. She doesn't represent my family on that issue, but she will stand with you when the time comes."

"Why does she hate me?" I wonder if I am going to finally get some answers.

"She thinks the goddesses got it wrong and she should have been the black panther. She wants everything you have, the royal family line, the wealthy alpha grandfather, even the medals you've won as a gymnast she feels should have gone to her."

"We were never in the same level, she never even tried for a spot on the national team. Why would she think that?" I thought of the years of training, the long weekends competing away from home, the midnight homework sessions, all so that I could keep up my grades.

"In her mind she had more talent than you, but the goddesses just gave you everything." He explained. "I don't agree with her, but that is what she thinks."

"I can't change what she thinks, but I'm glad to hear you don't share her beliefs." Did we just have a real conversation? "What do you think?" I ask hesitantly, curious but afraid of his answer.

"I think you work hard for everything you have and you will be a great leader one day. I think you bust your a** training and you deserve your successes. You have never even told on her for the hell she has put you through."

His words touched me, I never knew I had an ally on the inside.

"Come on, she's gone by now I'm sure. Let's go get some lunch." He suggests.

Sitting at the bus stop after school, I was filling Maggie in on this latest development with Abe, when speak of the devil he pulled up in his car. He drove a black sports car, a brand I should easily recognize but don't, top down, music blaring for all whether they want to hear it or not. He looked really good behind the wheel, I felt my hands getting wet and shaky.

"Would you ladies like a ride home?" He called mischievously.

"I'm headed to the gym, but thanks." I spoke before thinking of poor Maggie, she might have liked to ditch the bus.

"Do you ever let people watch you train?" He smiled, looking a little insecure. He never even glanced at Maggie.

What the hell was going on here? Could he possibly be flirting with me? He is seventeen now, getting close to his eighteenth birthday. Is it possible he could be my mate? I had not done much thinking in this area. I didn't have much time for boys with my crazy schedule. Imagine Coach's face if I came to workout with an admirer... It really wasn't an option even if it was a little tempting to let the other girls see him. I couldn't afford to lose my focus at gym, we had nationals in two weeks.

"Sorry, no, but I'll see you at training later?" Was that me flirting back? Maggie's face looked as incredulous as I felt saying it.

He smiled, that slow sexy grin he favors, "I'll take it."

My heart skipped a beat, goddesses, I am in trouble!

With that he sped away, music back to outrageous levels, hand waving out the window. Maggie stared at me with her mouth open. We both dissolved into giggles.

It seemed that most of our conversations revolved around boys these days. Maggie had her eyes set on a boy in her chemistry class. His name is Ryan Dunnigan. He is sweet, tall, and decent looking. His biggest flaw is that he is human. Having so few werecats here is making it hard to date our own kind. We know the duty we have to keep our Pride going, but as Maggie has said time after time, she's not going to marry the guy.

Dak came along and the conversation changed to training. Dak was an expert spell maker. Conjuring things out of thin air came as easily to him as a back flip did to me. He wanted more time working with us as both our skills in this area were lacking.

After gym, before homework, sure no problem." I promised him as I rolled my eyes inwardly. Thank the goddesses my breed did not require much sleep. The human term "cat nap" was appropriate as I was able to function on little bits of sleep throughout the day. I would prefer to get all my sleep in the day if I could get it. Nothing cozier than to find a sunny spot and curl up. It didn't make the teachers very happy on the occasions they would catch me sleeping through their class.  

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