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The party ended and everyone left. On the way to their house, away from the spying eyes and the cameras Warda cried as Qassim watched silently. The ride felt long for Qassim as his wife wept all the way.

Upon arriving home Warda went straight to the nursery and held her baby in her arms. She wiped her tears and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. The baby went on sleeping as his mother laid him in his crib.

"I don't understand." She heard Qassim's voice behind her. She didn't even look at him. "I thought you'd be happy to see your family."

"I am happy." She whispered softly.

"Then why are you crying?" He sounded concerned.

"I just can't believe I lost two years, two whole years with them. I can never get them back. Did you know Mansur got married and his wife is expectant? Jamal too." She said as she walked into their room with Qassim following her closely.

"I know."

She turned to face him with an unreadable expression. Qassim looked down at her and smiled. She could never really tell what that man was thinking. Why would he smile at her after all he did?

"Tell you what. I am feeling rather generous today. It's a good year for me and I am grateful so this weekend why don't you go visit your family. I am sure your mother will be happy to finally meet the baby." He said and Warda wondered why he was being so kind.

"Are you serious Qassim? Please tell me you are not just being mean again." Warda walked to him and stood in front of him, looking him straight in the eyes. He was tall, even taller than her brothers. Despite the high heeled shoes she was wearing she couldn't reach him.

"I promise I am being serious. My driver will take you. Of course your security will follow. I can't lose you. Besides winning the elections means new enemies and I - " he didn't finish what he was saying as Warda wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders and placed her head on his chest. He went stiff for a second as he awkwardly watched his wife crying. He quietly held her in his arms as she cried and for a brief moment he felt needed, he felt loved.

"I am sorry Warda. I know I hurt you. I promise you I never do it intentionally. I will change, for you I will change." He said softly She chuckled and pulled away from him.

"Your hatred for my brothers surpasses your love for me. I don't expect you to change Qassim. I really don't. I know you can't. You don't have it in you and taking the fall is my fate. My father gave me to you to pay for their sins." She said with a sad little smile on her face and Qassim felt his heart ache for the first time since he married her. Did she really believe that? Was he hopeless? Will he ever change? Is he really making her pay for what Ahmad and the rest did to his family?

Warda was grateful for a chance to be with her family, even if it was just a weekend.

"I appreciate you doing this for me, Qassim." Warda placed her palm on his chest and looked him in the eyes. "You are not a monster Qassim. I know there is some good in you."

Qassim's heart did a happy dance as he looked at her and was happy for a second, hopeful even. She had no idea how much those words meant to him. The beast in him felt at peace for a second.

Warda meant what she said. He wasn't all evil. Yes, he bruised her mentally and physically! Yes, he stole her from her family but he was kind. He always took care of her and she knew he loved her but she had no plans of staying with him forever. She wanted nothing more than she wanted her freedom from him.

That night as she lay beside him she dreamt of a better day. Away from him with her son as they live happily ever after.

Warda couldn't hide her excitement as she got ready to visit her mother. She woke up earlier than usual and to everyone's surprise made breakfast for Qassim. Karla held the baby as she cooked. She was worried about her. She had worked in that household long enough to understand Qassim's rage and how his good moods don't last long.

"Sultana." Karla whispered softly not wanting to wake the baby in her arms.

"I told you not to call me that, Karla." Warda whispered back and smiled softly revealing her glistening white teeth.

"You are a sultana." Karla said and Warda rolled her eyes dramatically. "Be careful. Don't do anything to spite him. Don't be fooled by this little acts of kindness."
Warda looked up at her for a second and sighed. She wasn't stupid. She knew him well enough to know she wouldn't be in his good grace for long.

The two women looked at each other for a moment and the worry in Karla's eyes was obvious. Warda gave her a little smile and nodded.

Qassim woke up happy for the first time in what felt like forever. He could smell her fragrance on his pillows. He didn't know how much he missed that until then. Usually they sleep in separate rooms, something he wasn't okay with at all but chose to let go.

Even I need a break from myself sometimes! He thought she needed the space. In the beginning that was his way of trying to ensure he wouldn't have any real connection with her but later on it became a form of punishment for himself. Depriving himself of her presence as payment for everything bad he ever did to her.

On that particular Saturday morning he was happy and he let himself enjoy the happiness for he knew it wouldn't last long.

"Swabahal kheir, ya Wardaty." (Good morning, my rose.) His voice filled the kitchen as he greeted his wife. Warda smiled at him warmly as she made the last pancake but didn't respond. He watched her keenly as she finished up in the kitchen and set up plates for both of them in kitchen dining table instead of the dining room. He smiled at how humble she was. She was nothing like her brothers especially Ahmad.
He noticed she was wearing the gold necklace he got her the night before and his smile widened.

"It looks good on you. A rose for my rose." He said and Warda felt something odd. Something she'd never felt before around him. She felt herself blush as little butterflies danced in her stomach.

"You should smile more often. It suits you." He stated and she rolled her eyes making him laugh a little. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"No reason." She said matter-of-factly and rolled her eyes again.

They didn't talk much as they ate their breakfast. They both sat their quietly with a lot left unsaid. Warda was wondering how long this good days would last and he was hoping he could undo all the bad he did.

That day would be the beginning of many happy days to come and Warda was happy. Qassim wasn't being a jerk even when he had a bad day at work and he kept his promise and allowed her to visit her mother. He was even kind enough to allow her mother to visit every weekend. Warda was happy so she reciprocated the kindness towards him and turned a new leaf in their relationship. Accepting him finally after more than two years of marriage. They spoke and ate together. They went on dates and took their baby to the beach together.

She even told him of her desire to start working and he wasn't discouraging at all. He was being supportive and Warda was happy. He promised her they'd discuss it some more in future and she was okay with it.

Qassim on the other hand was stressed out. His marital issues were getting better but the political madness in the region was getting out of hand. The Abdurahmanis were claiming He cheated  and their supporters were getting a bit antsy. Although it wasn't too serious, it was still concerning. Especially since this was his wife's family. While Warda was finding it easier to stay out of all the political drama, Qassim was in the middle of all of it with no escape at all.

It wasn't clear what the future was holding but Qassim was trying his best to stay professional while dealing with Ahmad and Jamal. Even his vengeance could wait. All he wanted to do is ensure there'd be no violence. The people chose him and he will ensure the safety of everyone even Ahmad's supporters.
Warda stayed out of all of it refusing  to take sides as she watched her brothers and her husband at battle against each other. Why couldn't Ahmad be satisfied with being the senator? Did he really have to try his luck by running against another Sharif ?

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