Chapter 16

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"You guys go find something to eat. I'll finish here and let you know if there are any updates." Payton shooed them out.

"You sure?" Olivia asked, uncertain. She didn't like to leave her friend alone at work.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine. You two go have fun, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." Jack tipped a fake hat to her.

Payton shook her head with a smile and waved as they left.

Olivia settled herself in the car next to Jack. She was getting all too familiar with his car. This new normal. She wasn't quite sure if she was okay with that.

"Where would you like to eat?" Jack asked, turning towards her.

"I don't really care. All I want is a burger and fries."

Jack started the car and backed out, his hand on the shoulder rest of her seat. His close presence did something funny to her insides. "Hmm. The Burger Barn okay with you?"

She rested her head on the back of her seat and closed her eyes, "Yes. We could do some work on the case while we eat."

"No." His tone was sharp and it startled her. He winced, "Sorry. It's just that I think you need a break. Let Payton handle it. Or Dominic. Okay?"

Surprisingly, that sounded like a good idea to her, "Okay."

He smiled, "Okay."

The Burger Barn was decently filled and there was a short wait. When the waitress came to take them to their table, Jack's hand rested in the small of her back. The thought was nice, although she knew it was in case someone came after her again. He wasn't completely sold on the idea that Pitre had broken in just for the information.

They approached their booth, and Jack took the spot with his back against the wall. It was a habit and she knew it. All cops liked to have their backs to the wall so they were not surprised by anything and could see everything. It amused her when his eyes swept the place and his gaze held firm when he looked at every person. A small chuckle escaped her lips.

His head snapped to her, "What?"

She shook her head, trying not to smile, "Nothing."

He grinned, "Whatever, brat."

Olivia cocked her head with a smirk on it, "My bad, Detective."

"Hi, my name's Clara and I will be your server today." The young waitress interrupted Jack's retort as she set the wrapped silverware and forks on the table. "Anything I can get started for you two?"

Jack looked at Olivia so see if she was ready to order. She smiled and then he changed his gaze from her to the waitress. "I'll have an Extreme Burger and fries with the works. Oh, and a chocolate shake."

"Yes sir. And for you?" Clara smiled at Olivia.

"Make that two." Olivia held up two fingers and smiled back.

Clara nodded and wrote that down in her little notebook. Flipping it shut she nodded at them, "Your food will be out shortly." And she left.

Jack folded his hands on the table and gave her a smug smile, "Do you know how big of a burger you're getting? And fries? And a chocolate shake as well?"

She returned the look, "You're paying."

He raised his brows, "Oh, I see how it is."

She sipped the water another waitress had just given them. "Yep."

When their food arrived, they ate and continued to make small talk. As much as she hated to admit it, she had fun and was sad to see it end. As they were walking back out to Jack's Jeep, he got a call.


She could hear the mumbled words of the person over the line and watched his face turn serious. "Jack?" She whispered, "Everything alright?"

He held up a finger at her and continued to listen on the phone, "Yes. Uh-huh. On my way."

He pocketed his phone, grabbed her hand, and tugged her to his car, sprinting. When they were both in he started the car and backed out like nobody's business. Olivia watched his face, the set jaw, firm expression, all of it. Once on the interstate, she broke the silence, "What's going on?" She was beginning to get worried.

He turned to look at her, "Sophia woke up."


Jack wanted to run in the hospital, but he knew he couldn't. Just running in the parking lot had taken a toll on Olivia's foot. Not to mention the break-in earlier. He had to pace himself and walk with her.

Even if it took all of his patience.

Olivia sucked in a harsh breath. It was not meant for him to hear, but he heard it anyway. And he knew the reason. Pain. He looked at her and stopped walking, "Where are your crutches?"

She gave him a half smile, "In the car. I think."


She held up a hand, "I'm fine."

"No you're not. Here, let me help you." Without waiting for a response, he took her left hand in his left and wrapped his other hand around her back and under her arm.

Olivia looked at him, aghast, "What are you doing?"

"Being a gentleman."

She sighed and let him help her to the door. "You don't have to do this."

"I want to."

"Of course you do."

He grinned, "Yep." They moved slowly towards the door. Each step on her bad foot Jack watched Olivia scrunch her face up in pain. He wanted so badly to take it away but there was nothing he could do.

His parents were waiting for them in the lobby. They rushed to greet them once Jack had helped Olivia safely inside. They were whispering to each other.

"Arthur, let the boy be. I'm sure he doesn't know." His mother whispered, but stopped abruptly when they reached Jack and Olivia.

Jack helped Olivia into a chair then sat down next to her, "Don't know what?"

His father rubbed his graying hair then wiped his hands on his faded blue jeans. "Sophia's awake."

Jack observed Olivia picking at nonexistent lint on her red sweatshirt. "I know."

His mother clutched her ruby red purse. "She's talked."

Jack straightened, narrowed his eyes. "What has she said?"

"One word. It makes no sense to us." Arthur told him.

"I don't understand why she says it." Carol added.

"What's the word?" Jack bit out tersely. Olivia jumped. He set his hand on her arm and she relaxed a fraction. "Sorry." He whispered to her. He dropped his hand quickly and she relaxed even more.

"David." His mother gripped her husband's hand. "That's all she's been saying. Over and over. Like she yearns for him. Calling his name. Screaming it. Whispering it with obvious agony." Carol wiped a stray tear.

All Jack did was stand and walk toward Sophia's hospital room. 

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