Chapter 14

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Olivia sat by her firepit checking her computer for any problems. Despite a scratch on the back, it was fine. There was no missing information. That's what the intruders main goal was and they both knew it. He wasn't after her. He was after information and evidence. Who was he though? It had to be one of Vladislav's guys. All she could really remember about the man was that he was shorter than usual and his grey eyes were astonishing. Scary in fact. To some people. Not her.

She continued to check her computer, but all seemed well. She started to conduct a search of Vladislav's closest men and what they looked like. Maybe they wouldn't even need to do a DNA sample from the blood. Those grey eyes were enough to stand out in a crowd.

"Liv?" Cole stood behind her.


He sat down next to her on the concrete. "Dom, Payton, Jack, Grace and Hunter are walking through the house. Nic's on her way."

Olivia smiled at the nickname only Nicole allowed Cole to use. It was a twin thing. She knew that Grace and Cole had become pretty close recently but Nicole had always been one to stay quiet and draw herself apart. Especially when she was younger. She spent most of her time with Olivia playing quietly. She had come out of her shell recently and it was a wonderful sight to see. "Why aren't you inside?"

"Because I have a few questions for you." He responded.

"Fire away."

"First off, we need to get you some security."

Olivia sat up straight. "That's not a question and no."

"Come on Liv. Please?"

"No. Whoever broke in was after the information not me. I promise you."

"But what if they aren't?" Cole countered.

"They are. Trust me. If Dom had the information they would break into his house or go straight for Chloe. They went to my house because I had it. Not because they wanted me."

"Excuse me?" Dominic stood behind her, a not-so-good expression on his face. "What did you say about my wife?"

"Nothing. I was just telling Cole that they broke into my house because I had the information. Not because they wanted me. If anyone else had the information they would break into their house. I don't need security. I'll just leave my laptop somewhere safe. Like the office or something."

Dominic relaxed his guard, "Okay." He moved to sit on the other side of Olivia. She felt like she had bodyguards.

"Second question." Cole prompted, "What's going on between you and Jack?"

Olivia tensed. Not the question she wanted to answer. Especially not to her brothers. "Nothing."

Dominic bit back a retort, "Nothing?"

Cole couldn't help himself, "I'd say it's more than nothing."

"It's nothing." She would way rather discuss this with her sisters.

"Liv, he likes you a lot. Probably loves you but who am I to judge? Why can't you just admit that you like him back? Is it pride?" Dominic asked.

"Pride?" She fumed, "Pride? What's your problem? This has nothing to do with my pride!"

"Liv, calm down." Cole rubbed her back and helped her take deep breaths.

Dominic grimaced, "I didn't mean it that way."

"Well it sure sounded like it." She snapped. Then she blew out a breath. "Sorry."

"Penny for your thoughts?" Grace asked. She came and sat criss cross in front of Olivia on the ground twirling her beautiful brown hair in her hand. It reflected off the sun and looked like streaks of gold. Hunter obviously thought so too because he was staring at her all googly-eyed.

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