Chapter 2

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Olivia Wagner bent over a handwritten note. "This doesn't make any sense."

Her friend and co-worker, Payton Quantum, squinted her eyes at the note, "You're right. The formation of the sentence makes sense. But the reason why they wrote it doesn't."

Olivia rubbed her eyes and looked around the trashed home she was investigating. Furniture was overturned, food was everywhere, shattered glass littered the flood, and parts of the walls were banged in. The once quaint and cheery home looked like a dump. "This is the third home we've investigated like this and the third note."

"What does the note say?"

Olivia didn't even have to look to know who asked the question. She also had trouble suppressing an eye roll. "Jack, this isn't even your case. Why are you here?"

"Just another agent helping out. Now tell me what the note says Olivia."

Sighing, she stood up and showed him the note. She slapped his hand away when he reached for it. "Don't touch."

He held his hands up in surrender, "Sorry." He looked at the note and read aloud, "We hate you and you know it. Pay back what you stole or face the consequences." Jack shook his head. "You're right, it doesn't make sense."

Payton crossed her arms, "Thank you Captain Obvious."

Olivia shot Payton a smile. They were on the same page when it came to Jack. For the most part. Payton knew Olivia had a strong dislike for Jack. Payton also thought the two would be good together, but she supported her friend no matter what.

Olivia's oldest brother, Dominic walked up to them. "Find anything worth keeping?" He asked.

"Just the note. I'll bag it and then check for prints. Though I doubt there will be any. The others had none. These people are squeaky clean. With leaving evidence behind, I mean. The rest of the house, not so much." Olivia took an evidence bag from Payton and slid the note into it.

Dominic gave a slow nod, "Any matches on the handwriting of them?"

Payton shook her head, "No. By the looks of it, they are all different. They probably bribed someone to write it."

"Makes sense. Do we have any idea who these guys are?"

Olivia gave a sigh, "No. All we know is that they trash military veteran's homes and leave a confusing note."

"We know that already." Jack pointed out.

"I was just repeating it." She glared at him.

Jack's retort was cut off when his phone rang. He held up a finger to the other three and stepped away to take it.


Jack pressed the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

"Jack." His captain, Landon Patterson answered.

"Hey boss."

Landon grunted, "There was another bombing."

He paled, "What? Where?"

"Right here in Colorado Springs." He answered.

Oh no. "The VA Hospital?"

The captain sighed, "That's the one."

Jack almost dropped the phone, "Sophia." He whispered.

"Pardon?" Landon asked.

"Sophia! My sister! She was volunteering there today."

Jack could tell Landon bit back a few choice words. "Jack, go. You're needed on the scene anyways."

"Got it."


He joined the group again. Dominic looked at him, "You okay man?"

"No. They bombed another VA Hospital. The one here. In this city. Sophia's there." his heart thundered. Sophia. No. He couldn't lose another.

Dominic's shoulder's tightened. "Go. Bring Olivia with you. They might need another crime scene tech. Payton and I can stay here and finish up. Go."

Olivia shot her brother a nasty glare but went with Jack. At this point, he didn't care if she hated him. He just needed to get to Sophia.

"We'll have to take your car. I rode in the CSU van." Olivia told him.

He nodded, "It's this way."


Olivia buckled her seat belt and stared straight in front of her. This was awkward. She hated riding alone with Jack. Absolutely hated it. Ever since...No. Not the time for that now. No sense opening old wounds. If that's what they even were.

She watched Jack drive. He was unusually quiet. His knuckles were white against the steering wheel and his gaze was fixed on the road. None of his usual light chatter was going on. Which was really odd. Should she offer comfort? His sister was in danger, possibly dead. "Jack, listen..."

He cut her off, "Olivia please. Not right now."

She snapped her mouth shut and turned away from him. Fine. Be that way. The rest of the ride was in silence. As they got nearer to the hospital, she heard the sirens screaming and could smell the smoke. Her lungs were starting to itch. She let out a low gasp when she saw the hospital.

The usual four story building was now in ashes. Small fires were being put out. Paramedics were everywhere. Nicole had to be around somewhere. Choppers were in the air ready to escort the wounded to the other hospital. Injured people limped out of the remains. Some carried others on their backs or shoulders. She looked at Jack out of the corner of her eye. His hands were still tight on the steering wheel. He stared at the ruins, lips moving silently. Obviously praying. Something she should be doing at the moment as well.

Olivia watched as a ton of people were carried out of the smoldering wreckage. She couldn't watch any longer. Tearing out of the car, she ran to help.

"Olivia!" Jack shouted after her. 

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