Chapter 20

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The whole group got prepared for the raid. Evening was drawing nearer. Some of the familiar faces included Hunter, Dominic, Chloe, Jack, Olivia, Grace, Damon, Landon, and many more. The whole group was suiting up in gear, preparing for the fight. Grace and Hunter stood in a corner together, praying. Chloe stood, pale and shaken when she was told of the risk of this job. Dominic moved to her, wrapped her in his arms and prayed as well.

Jack tried to insist Olivia didn't go.

"Please Olivia. It's not safe."

"I will be fine. Trust me."

"We have a problem." Landon announced.

All heads turned to him.

"Not enough Kevlar."

Groans came from around the room.

"SWAT, please give your gear to those actually entering the warehouse. Anyone else who has a less risky job, give it to those who have a higher risk."

Jack looked at Olivia. She didn't have gear. She also didn't seem to care. "Olivia, take my gear."

She looked surprised, "No."

He took off the bulletproof vest he had on. "Yes. I'm not asking you to. I'm telling you that you need to. Either you take my gear, or one of your siblings."

She yanked the vest from him angrily. "Fine."

"I'll remind you to thank me when you don't die." He grinned.

"What about you?" She asked, slipping the vest on.

Jack shrugged, "I'll be fine. I've had loads of experience."

"Cocky, are we?"

"Just stating facts." He corrected with a smirk.

"Alright everyone. Let's move out. The warehouse is fifteen minutes away. Go over the plan we have in the car with your team. Phase one starts as soon as you arrive. Good luck to all." Landon nodded to them all and left to go to his car.

Chloe looked about ready to pass out, she was so scared for Dominic. He kissed her, "Don't worry love, I'll be careful."

"Jack, hold him to that."

He smiled at her, "Yes ma'am." Grace and Hunter slipped into an SUV, hand in hand. Dominic, Olivia, and Jack joined them. Once inside, Jack spoke up, "Shall I pray?"

Hunter squeezed Grace's hand, "Yes."

They all bowed their heads and Jack started praying for guidance and protection.


The team moved into the warehouse on silent feet. Olivia stayed near Jack, much to his liking and Dominic was a mere feet away from them. Grace was at the entrance, ready to head inside if the matter got out of hand. Hunter and the rest of his team tried to find a good place to set up outside. Jack's heart pounded. It had been awhile since he had been in action like this.

"You blithering idiot! The stupid feds are here! What did you do this time?" Vladislav's voice rang out from one of the rooms.

Dominic motioned for everyone to move in. over the COMMS, Jack heard the two other teams moving in as well.

"Don't forget about the other rooms." Olivia whispered to everyone, "People could be in those too."

"Roger that." An agent said.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up!" Vladislav again.

A gunshot.

A scream.

Jack saw Olivia flinch. She really should not be here. He set a hand on her shoulder and motioned for her to stay where he was. Thankfully, she obeyed and let him and Dominic move a few feet forward. She stayed in his line of sight though. Dominic now stood in between them, in the hall. Jack had his back to the corner, gun raised and ready. Dominic followed suit.

A door slammed open.

Jack turned his head and saw a man run out of a room. Nasir.

He jumped out and ran after him, gun pointed.

Nasir was too fast. He turned, aimed his gun and shot.

All Jack felt was fiery pain in his chest.

And he dropped.


"Jack!" Olivia screamed.

Dominic's heart stopped. Jack lay on the ground, blood pooling way too fast. It was unbearable, his decision. Stop Vladislav from killing more or help Jack. As much as he hated to admit it, the right thing to do was stop Vladislav.

"Go. Dominic, go." Jack rasped.

He looked at his friend, swallowed tears, nodded, and ran.


Realization hit Olivia like a slap in the face.

She loved Jack. Loved him.

"Jack!" She screamed again.

She ran to his side and tried to stop the bleeding. Putting pressure on his chest, she watched him take ragged breaths.

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, "Jack, don't do this to me. Please, no. You can make this. Please."

Jack's hand raised to her cheek and she clutched it with all her might. "Olivia." He whispered.

"Jack." She cried.

More tears.

"Jack, I love you."

His thumb rubbed her cheek, wiping away tears. His mouth tried to form words, but he couldn't speak them. "Olivia..."

"Jack!" Her heart lurched. Her body shook. Sobs destroyed her.

She put more pressure on him, but the blood wouldn't stop. "Jack, no!"

His hand dropped from her cheek and to the floor. His breathing became labored and his pulse slowed.

"No! No!" She screamed. "Please! God! Do something!"

Gunshots in the distance. Shouts. The sound of men fighting.

Jack's eyes slowly closed.

"No!" She cried. "No!"

His breathing stopped. "Jack!" The scream could have broken glass.

"Jack." It was a mere whisper.

She dropped her head onto him and just cried. She let the pain take over, the agony sweep her away. Blood continued to cover the floor and now her body. How could you, God?

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