Chapter 4

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After Olivia had finished up, Jack told her he needed to get to the office. His boss texted him about the case, saying he needed to be there. And to bring Olivia Wagner with him.

"Okay. I suppose we can go. But why does he need me to be there?" Olivia asked.

Jack shrugged, "Beats me."

She slid into the passenger seat of the Jeep and buckled her seatbelt. Jack did the same. He let his hands rest on the steering wheel, but didn't start the car. He was a whirlwind of emotions. And he knew he wasn't being his usual chipper self, but it was hard. Olivia shot him a tight smile, "Sophia's gonna be okay. She's a tough woman."

He nodded but didn't say anything. This was awkward enough as it is. Olivia hadn't ridden with him since... He blew out a breath. Since the kiss. A year had passed since his partner Dominic's wedding. He had gotten up the courage to ask Olivia on a date, again. And much to his surprise, she had said yes. They went on four dates, and on the fourth they shared a kiss. Well, more like he kissed her and she, well, maybe that was the reason she now gave him the cold shoulder and was always rude.

"Jack? Earth to Jack?" Olivia waved a hand in front of his face. "Hello?"

He blinked a few times then smiled at her, "Sorry. Did I space out?"

Olivia crossed her arms, "Yeah. Now get the car started. We need to go. And frankly, I'm getting tired of sitting in here with you."

His smile faded. He tried to mask the hurt, but wasn't successful. Thankfully, Olivia's head was turned the other direction. "Right. Sorry to bother you. I was just trying to get myself together. Cause in case you haven't noticed, my sister almost died today."

Her head whipped around, her eyes cold as ice, "And in case you haven't noticed, there were at least one hundred people who died today. Be thankful that your sister is alive."

He squeezed his eyes shut. "Well at least your whole family is alive."

"Yours is too." She snapped.

"No, they're not." He snapped back. And he didn't really want to talk about it.

Olivia's shoulders slumped, "Sorry. I didn't know."

He sighed, "It's not your fault. I don't like to talk about it."

"Do you want to?"



Olivia tensed at his harsh word. He might have as well shouted it. She watched him start the car, then back out. Folding her hands in her lap, she looked down at them. At her empty ring finger. She blinked. Where did that come from? She was perfectly fine being single. At least that's what she told herself. Two of her siblings were already married. Her older brother Dominic and her younger sister Grace. And they couldn't be more happy. She was happy for them too. And she had no reason for a pity party. There was a perfectly eligible man sitting next to her that obviously wanted a relationship.

Again, where did that come from? Her and Jack's relationship was complicated. If one could even call it that. They had gone out four times, he kissed her, then she deserted him. Why? She didn't really know. It just made her uncomfortable and she felt vulnerable. So she left him. And then gave him the cold shoulder. Which probably wasn't very nice of her. At all. She just needed some space. A quick glance to her left showed her that Jack's eyes were on the road. His gaze often flicked towards the mirrors, looking for a tail, but never to her. And she was okay with that. Her phone buzzed. Nicole.

                    Hey, tell Jack that Sophia

                    is in the ICU. She's

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