She looked behind her shoulder and saw Jack talking with Landon and Payton up by the front. Nicole was there too. On the phone. "Okay."

Grace gave her a reassuring smile, "Start with what's going on."

"Thanks for being specific."

Grace grinned, "Don't mention it."

Olivia sighed, "I don't know. He obviously likes me more than a little because he's always trying to help me and is uber protective. It's nice - he's saved my life twice - but I can't have a relationship with him."

Hunter crossed his arms, "Why not?"

"I just can't." Olivia started listing off reasons on her hand. "For one, his job is too dangerous. Two, he's Dom's best friend. Three, he deserves someone who will love him. Four, I'm a weird geek. Five-"

"Stop right there. I never said that you couldn't have a relationship with him because he's my friend." Dominic told her. "I never said that."

"I know. I just can't. Not right now. Can we focus on the case?"

"What about the case?" Jack asked, walking up to the group.

The subject was dropped immediately.

"She doesn't need security." Cole piped up.

Jack's jaw flexed. "Yes. She does."

Olivia stood. "No. I don't. And you're not gonna make me."

He crossed his arms. "Fine."

They had a staring contest before Nicole walked up. "Payton collected some DNA from the blood and is testing it back at the lab. She said that anyone who wants to come may."

The only people who volunteered to come were Olivia and Jack. Once Olivia said she would, Jack said the same. Then, everyone started making excuses why they couldn't go. She wasn't lying. It hurt.

"So, no one else wants to come?" She asked hopefully.

Grace shared a look with her husband, "We'll come."

Hunter nodded. "Sure. Meet you there."

Olivia let out a breath. "Okay." She then followed Jack to his car, limping. So much for going to Denver today. So much for her ankle doing better.


Grace stepped into Hunter's car and buckled her seatbelt. When she looked up, Hunter was staring at her. "What?" She smiled.

"Just getting in my daily dose of beautifulness." Hunter smiled.

"Oh, you." Grace leaned in and kissed him, loving how she could do this everyday.

They pulled back when a rap on her window made her jump. Cole was standing there with a big smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes and rolled her window down. "What?"

"You two are cute."

Hunter leaned across so that he made eye contact with Cole, "Go flirt with Payton or something." His solemn expression broke into a grin when Cole scowled at him.

Grace laughed, "Go. Shoo."

Cole sighed a big fake sigh, "Fine." He retreated making a glum face but in reality was just putting on a show.

Grace rolled her window back up and looked back to Hunter.

He smiled, "Now where were we?" He stole one last, long kiss before pulling out of Olivia's driveway.

Grace held Hunter's hand in the car ride. She still suffered terrible nightmares from her negotiations almost every night. But what she didn't mind was that every time she woke up from one Hunter was always there to comfort her. He would wrap her in his arms and hold her until she fell back asleep. Sometimes he would just whisper to her to get her mind off the nightmare. It was just one of the many reasons she loved him so much.

"What's going on in that marvelous brain of yours, love?" Hunter rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand.

"I'm thinking."

"Uh-oh. Dangerous." He smirked.

"Funny. I'm thinking about you."

"Go on." He grinned.

Grace stuck her tongue out at him, "I think I need to quit this."

His expression dropped.

She hastily responded, "Not us. I would never. I meant negotiations. I can't live like this anymore."

The color came back in Hunter's face. "Nightmares?"

She nodded, remembering the one she had just last night. She got goosebumps just thinking about it. "And if I want to have a family I need to be there for them. I can't live walking into danger every day."

"Grace, I think that quitting might be an answer to a lot of prayers. Especially mine. I don't like that you have to go through those nightmares. And if quitting is the only way to stop them and that fear, it might be best."

She squeezed his hand. "Can we talk about this more tonight?"

Hunter pulled into a parking space next to Jack's car. Kissing his wife on the cheek, he smiled, "Of course."

Crushed (Partners in Crime Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now