Chapter Ten: Not Together Yet..

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Sai and Y/N were eating breakfast. there was a long string of silence. they liked each other. they weren't a thing yet. Sai and Y/N were thinking. Y/N was the first to speak up.  "Sai, do you really feel like that about me.. Or. Think, You do?" Sai looked up from his breakfast and nodded. "Soo, would  you like to go on a date? You know, just on a small walk or getting something to eat." Sai looked at Y/N. "A date?" Y/N suddenly remembered, Sai had no idea what a date was, and he barely even knew what love was. he knew just enough to explain how he felt to her. how could she be exactly sure he wanted this and it wasn't something Naruto convinced him to do? "Does the whole idea feel wrong to you Sai?" Y/N asked. Sai shook his head no, and smiled at Y/N. It was a genuine smile, and Y/N could tell. She was one of the only who could tell the difference between his real and fake smile. "So It feels right? Are you sure?" Y/N asked. she was petrified she would accidentally take advantage of Sai. But, Sai shook his head yes, and he looked almost determined. "I'm sure Y/N. I'd like to try and explore these feelings I've encountered." Y/N looked at him and smiled. Sai smiled back. that had been their silent confirmation forever now. they finished eating breakfast and they went out. Today was alot less hot, so they could actually do something. When they stepped into the streets of the village, they noticed just how busy it was today. Y/N got bumped into, and nearly fell. Lucky for her, Sai caught her, and they got away from the busy street. When Y/N and Sai got out of the busy street, Sai grabbed Y/N's hand, before walking back into the busy street. it was just their luck when Kiba and Ino walked by. "Oh! Y/N, Sai, congrats!" Kiba exclaimed And Ino stared at the two. her eyes traveled down to see Sai's pale hand and Y/N's S/C hand intertwined..  Ino was enraged, but didnt show it. "Congrats? on what?" Sai asked. he had not a clue what Kiba was talking about. "Uh. you and Y/N?" Kiba, pointed to their hands, wich were intertwined. Sai let go of Y/N's hand when Kiba pointed it out. "Oh. Well, were just friends, But I think i feel the emotion of 'Love' towards her." Y/N and Ino paled at the same time. "S- Sai.. I thought we agreed on keeping the conversation private.." Y/N asked, a pale complexion remaining on her face. Kiba was laughing and Ino now was visibly angry. As If things couldn't get worse, Shikamaru And Choji walked by. "What's all the ruckus about?" Choji asked, chewing on a few chips. "S- Sai HAH! Sai LOVES Y/N!" Kiba said in between laughs. "What a drag.. those two are troublesome.. Come on Choji." Shikamaru said, and walked away with Choji. "Good luck!"  Choji yelled back at the two. Sai and Y/N went even together.. why was evryone making big deal out if it?..

Meanwhile in the Hokage's office, Naruto and Kakashi were talking. "So, Kakashi sensei, where are they gonna hold the wedding?" Naruto asked. Kakashi thought for a moment. "I'd imagine they would do it somewhere naturey. They are Nature fanatics."
Let's just say, it was Naruto and Kakashi's fault evryone thought they were together..

(An: Damn this  took forever. Anyways if you're reading this, thank you. evry veiw means alot to me.)

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