Chapter Six: A Misunderstanding.

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After Sai and Y/N took up Naruto's offer, the first thing they did, was grabbing something to eat. it was 9 in the morning after all. "Hey, Whacha guys wanna eat?" Naruto asked, Y/N was looking around, she had seen this place a hundred times before now, yet it felt new today. "Y/N?" Naruto asked. "Oh! Sorry Naruto." Y/N apologized "What did you ask again?" Y/N asked. Naruto sighed. "I asked if you and Sai wanted anything to eat. Its nine in the morning." Y/N thought for a moment, and her eyes landed on a dango shop. "Can we grab some Dango!?" Y/N asked, slightly bouncing on her toes. "Oh, I was kinda thinking ramen, but Dango sounds good too." Naruto Agreed, but his first opinion failed. He couldn't ask Teuchi for the blessing of Y/N and Sai's future marriage. Thankfully, Naruto had Another plan.  As Y/N Naruto and Sai sat down to wait for their food, Naruto put his second trick into play. "Hey, Y/N, Sai, You two look nice together. Are you dating yet?" Y/N spit out her tea, And Sai choked on nothing. "N- No we are not Naruto. We are Simply Freinds." Sai confirmed, and Y/N furiously shook her head in agreement to what Sai said. Why did it sort of hurt her feelings though? Either way, Naruto sighed. "Well, just saying, You guys hang out almost every day, so I thought you would look great together." Naruto looked happy at the idea, but Y/N was pale, and Sai was 10% Paler than he was before. They eventually finished eating and Naruto continued his plan to eventually get them together. after they ate, they walked around for a while. Naruto stopped at The Yamanka flower shop mad nudged Sai. "Hey Sai, Wanna get Y/N some flowers~?" Naruto said with a devilish smirk. Sai Got flustered for a second before violently shaking his head no. "Naruto, were just friends. relax." A while later Naruto had went into Ichiraku ramen, because he was hungry. when he walked out, Y/N and Sai, were nowhere to be found. "EEH!?" Naruto screeched when he saw the two Ninja dissapeared. it took naruto a half an hour to find the two. he found them in the tree they were when he first saw them this morning. (chapter five) He saw them eating something and talking and he has an idea. he snuck up behind Sai, and gave him a nudge. Naruto's plan was working. Sai fell towards Y/N and their lips were about to connect! this is the moment Naruto has been waiting for science they joined team 7. Unfortunately for Naruto, Y/N put her hand out, blocking Sai from connecting lips with her, and she gave Naruto a death stare. "Naruto you idiot!" Y/N yelled and Naruto knew he was done. He ended up running for his life for a good twenty minutes. Throughout the day, Naruto kept trying to get things done to make them fall in love. He tried making them jealous, giving them reasons why they should date, etc etc. When they were planning to separate for the day, it was about 6:30 PM. Naruto was at this point, Very irritated that his plans never worked once. it was like magic that they dodged evry single move of Naruto's to get them together, not to mention they dissapeared a few times. But, he never said anything, and the people they passed began to create rumors. Y/N stopped in her trail, Wich was right in the middle of Naruto and Sai. "Naruto, Are you alright?" She asked, Taking note of Naruto's annoyed face. "No. I'm not. Im going home Y/N." Naruto mumbled and headed home. Once the few civilians who were standing there saw, their rumor boomed;
"Y/N's cheating on Naruto with Sai."

AN: Ohh boy this took me alll day to write! if you're reading this, I just wanna say thank you for reading this!  it means alot to me, and I'd like to thank Ladykata, for inspiring me to write this. Thanks again.)

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