Chapter Eight: A Realization.

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Y/N was walking down the street this morning, and the air was starting to heat up, seeing as it was a summer day. She kept on thinking about Sai, and what he was doing. more so, what he thought of her.  She still didn't want to believe she had fallen for her best friend. She was walking around some more, just trying to figure out what to do today. by the time she had landed next to a tree, she was boiling. her H/L H/C hair was frizzy, (or not if your hair is frizzy invincible) And she decided; she couldn't move in this heat. "Y/N? are you okay? you seem about an hour away from a heat stroke." Y/N looked up at her savior. Pale skin, Black hair, Yup. it was Sai. "I'm okay Sai.. I'm just so hot right now.." Y/N complained to her Savior and Sai Sighed. "Well, we can go over to my place.. I recently bought air conditioning." Y/N's eyes lit up at the thought of air conditioning. luckily the blush on her face after Sai offered was blocked out by the heat flush on her face. Once they arrived at Sai's home and opened the door, the cool air of Sai's home Hitting their faces. "Oh Sai! you have some lovely artworks." Y/N complemented, looking around Sai's home, the walls covered in drawings. A drawing of each team was on a certain wall. Team, Kakashi, Team Kurenai, Team Asuma, And team Guy. But there also was a drawing of just Sai And Y/N. "I know there is alot.. I forgot to make preparations before I invited you." Sai apologized Y/N chuckled a little. "Sai, your house is practically spotless. I dont see why your worried about this." Sai smiled at Y/N, almost like a silent thank you. "Can you show me the art you have on the walls Sai?" Y/n asked, and Sai gave a slight nod yes. after He showed Y/N just about evry painting he'd ever done practically, it was getting late. it was 7:34 PM currently, and Y/N was falling asleep on Sai's shoulder. Sai looked over at her. Back when Sai and Y/N had first been placed on team 7, Sakura told him to call people by their personality traits. When he ended up calling Sakura ugly, He called Y/N Mediocre. that caused Sakura to double rampage over Sai, seeing as Sakura was nearly jealous of Y/N's beauty at the time. he thought of how dumb he was for a second 'Shes actually quite beautiful
' Sai thought while she was asleep on his shoulder. Than it hit Sai like a truck, and he nudged Y/N awake. "H- Huh..? Sai? Are you okay?" Y/N sleepily mumbled. Sai stared at her for a moment, and then asked; "Is this what love feels like?"

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