The meeting

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Shrek was walking home one day after going to his foot fetish club, remembering the sweet smell of Barry bee's feet when he bumped into a tall purple thing. 

"Hello??" Shrek asked. The figure turned around slowly, flexing his muscles. Shrek couldn't help but blush. 

"Hi? How can I help you..." Barney asked. Shrek regained his composure quickly, trying to recover from the sight.

"I uh um-" Shrek couldn't help but glance down at Barney's massive shlongadong. He blushed more, almost getting hard. 

"You okay?" Barney asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yep yep fine. I uh-" Shrek was a stuttering mess. "Hi! My name's Shrek Uwu Johnson,  nice to meet you." He stuck out his green ogreish hand, attempting to make a good first impression. 

"Hello," Barney said, shaking Shrek's hand. Shrek gasped at the contact, not wanting it to end. "I'm Barney the Dinosus." Shrek loved the name instantly. 

They really had hit it off! Shrek decided to be upfront about his feelings, and so shyly tucking his hair behind his ear and puffing out his chest, he coyly asked "So, Barney the Dinosus... would you like to go to Dora's cafe with me uwu?" Barney was now the one blushing, but he soon recovered as he was a top. 

"I am stunned!! I-I would love to!!" Barney took shrek's hand and kissed it softly. Shrek swooned. 

"Would you like to go now?" Shrek asked. 

"Definitely. Should I... carry you? It is a long way to go." Barney offered, flexing his big strong muscles which were surely good for pushing people up to walls. Shrek blushed even harder, sighing at the mere thought of being held by this big man. 

"I mean, sure, if I'm not too... heavy for you??" Shrek worried. 

"Nothing too heavy for me, Shrekypoo." Barney quickly lifted Shrek up into his big sting muscles arms, and Shrek blushed so hard. 

"Oh!" He gasped, quickly getting himself comfortable, making sure to accent his curves. "Thank you Barneyuwu." Barney giggled at the nickname. 

"Anytime, Shrekypoo." And they walked off into the sunset.

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