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Preston's POV
Word Count: 1,871

"Hello?", I asked, bringing the phone to my ear. I flicked on my blinker. Another red light. Love it. I rolled my eyes.
"Mr. Goodplay?", a voice responded.
I groaned. Not this again. "Yes, that's me!", I piped up. A car horn honked, snapping me out of my daze. Oh god! I slammed the accelerator. I hadn't noticed the light turned green.
"This is Lindsay Prew with The Los Angeles Times. May I ask you a few questions about your upcoming debut in Much Ado About Nothing?", the reporter bored me. Lindsay. I feel like we've spoken before.
"My sincerest apologies, ma'am, but I am busy up at the moment," I explained. My phone began buzzing again. I spared a moment to check for a name. Harrison? I grumbled and massaged my temple. "I'm so sorry, Lola, whatever it was. I-I have to go." I hung up on the reporter and answered Harrison's call. "Hello Harrison."
Harrison cleared his throat on the other line. I pulled into the nearest gas station to fill up. "You are not going to believe this!", Harrison gushed. Before I started pumping I climbed back into my car to grab my iced coffee.
"Give it to me, Hare," I invited. I opened my gas cap and inserted the pump after paying. "I'd love to play a game of catch-up but I'm so busy with the show and whatnot."
I could feel Harrison's eyes rolling through the screen. "You're not going to want to miss this," Harrison assured. I sipped my coffee. "Okay, don't freak out, but Y/N's back."
"Oh my!", I gasped. I leaned on the side of my car, itching for more. "Y/N from Camp Campbell?"
"Yes!", Harrison confirmed. "She's...um...she's speaking with Max now." Harrison's voice lowered. I frowned. "I think, if you have time, of course, you could come and see her. Right now, even."
I put the pump away and hopped in my car. "Where to?"


     "Can I borrow her for a sec?", Harrison asked. He stuffed his phone into his back pocket.
     Max nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, whatever," he grumbled. "I don't care." Yeah, that's the Max I know. I smiled and stood, dusting off my jeans.
     "I'll be back," I promised, walking in Harrison's direction. "What is it?" Harrison led me down the cobblestone driveway.
     "Do you want to go for a drive?", Harrison asked.
     This caught me off guard. The last time we spoke we weren't on the best terms. Then again, it was years ago. "Sure, if you want to," I replied. Harrison unlocked his car and climbed in. I climbed into the passenger's seat and closed the door beside me. "I have to be honest. I'm sorry about everything that happened before I left camp."
     Harrison chuckled. "Water under the bridge!", he insisted. He pushed his hair behind his ears and pulled out of the driveway. "We were kids, Y/N. Things happen. I missed you so much. I'm just happy to see you again."
     I smiled. "That's so nice of you. If it's alright to ask, what's the situation with you and Pres?", I probed.
     Harrison's expression hardened into an almost-frown. I'd hit a soft spot. "Honestly?", he started. I nodded. "Not great. I want him back, I have for years. He's just not interested in me. I don't know why."
     "Where are we going?", I switched the subject. Harrison's smile reappeared. "You'll see." I smirked. I peered out the window to see nothing but highway and rolling hills in the distance. "Tell me about you. How's it going?"
I chuckled and proceeded to crack my knuckles. "It's going," I sighed. We exchanged glances. "I'm attending a school that I can't afford to get a degree that I'll spend the rest of my life paying for. You tell me how it's going."
I crossed my arms. "Most people have to pull loans for college. You're not the only one," Harrison reminded. I shrugged. "You'll be just fine. I promise."
"You think so?", I wondered.
"I do." Harrison took the nearest exit into a residential area. I had a feeling that we were nearing our destination. "I still have the note you wrote for me."
I felt a tug at my heart. "You do?", I asked. Harrison nodded. "The one from years ago? From Camp Campbell?"
Harrison nodded again, stopping at a light. "It's back at home in my childhood bedroom," he explained. I felt warm with joy. "Every once in a while, when I come home for the holidays, I take another glance at it. None of us forgot about each other, I don't think."
Guilt washed over me. "I sort of did," I admitted. "Not on purpose!" I laughed. "I just got so caught up with life."
     Harrison nodded. "No, I get it," he sympathized, "but I've been both dreaming and dreading the next time we'd see each other." I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know how you'd react to me."
     We pulled into a large, glamorous driveway complimented by a beautiful suburban home. Hedges lined the front gate. I noticed a Lincoln in the three-car garage connecting to the home. "Do you live here?", I awed.
    "Hell no!", he burst into laughter. Harrison parked the car and turned off the ignition. "Have you heard of Much Ado About Nothing?"
     "Much a what about whatta'?"

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